ModelBus User Guide

Version: 0.83 corresponding to ModelBus Release 1.9.9

Date:    12th September 2014


Email: info (at) modelbus (dot) org




























This document has been created by the ModelBus group at Fraunhofer FOKUS ( supported by the “Kompetenzzentrum – Das virtuelle Fahrzeug, Forschungsgesellschaft mbH [ViF]” (

PART I  Introduction   7

1.     What is the ModelBus?  9

2.     ModelBus Architecture  11

PART II  Installation of  Repository and Client for Eclipse  13

3.     How to install the ModelBus  15

3.1       Installation of a “local ModelBus” under Windows  15

3.1.1        Installation Instructions for Release 1.9.7 and later  16

3.1.2        Installation Instructions for Older Releases  21

3.2       Start and Shutdown of ModelBus Server  23

4.     Installing ModelBus on a Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) Desktop   25

4.1       Installing the Server  25

4.2       Installing the Client  32

5.     Setting up ModelBus for Encrypted Communication (HTTPS) 35

5.1       SSL Configuration in ModelBus Configuration Model 35

5.2       Creating ModelBus SSL Certificate  37

6.     ModelBus Manager  40

6.1       What is ModelBus Manager?  40

6.2       How to Install ModelBus Manager?  40

6.3       Login to ModelBus Manager  41

6.4       Accessing the Repository  42

6.5       Export Repository Contents  44

6.6       Managing Users and Access Rights  45

7.     ModelBus Proxy  47

7.1       Server-Side Setup   47

7.2       Client-Side Setup   47

8.     Installing ModelBus Client for Eclipse  53

8.1       Configuration Options with Local ModelBus Server  53

8.2       Configurations Options for “Standalone” Client  53

8.3       Installing TeamProvider Feature for Eclipse  54

8.4       Test the ModelBus Server and Client installation   57

PART III  Eclipse Client  63

9.     ModelBus Repository Access Control 65

10.       Managing Access Rights with ModelBus Client for Eclipse  68

10.1     Finding the “model” namespace in the repository  68

10.2     Check out a name space to the local workspace as a shared project  69

10.3     Add a new user and commit changes to the Repository  70

10.4     Change the password for the current user  74

10.5     Example User Access Model 75

11.       Checking ModelBus and Services Status  78

12.       The Team Synchronizing Perspective  79

12.1     Add a project to the ModelBus repository  81

12.2     Producing and discovering conflicts  85

12.3     Inspecting the conflicts using a Compare editor  88

12.4     Some explanations on the Team Synchronizing perspective  89

13.       Locking Elements in the Repository  92

13.1     Locking Files and complete Models  92

13.2     Locking Model Elements in the Repository  95

14.       The ModelBus Repository Exploring Perspective  98

15.       Notifications  100

16.       Dependencies  101

17.       Fragmentation   103

18.       Interactive Mode  104

PART IV  Orchestration   107

19.       Orchestration   109

19.1     Modeling the basic workflow with BPMN   110

19.2     Basic BPMN diagram with interface descriptions  113

19.3     Mapping data and using variables in the workflow   117

19.4     The generated executable BPEL workflow   119

19.5     Deployment and execution of the workflow   120

19.6     Including user interaction in a workflow   121

PART V  Developer API 127

20.       ModelBus Architecture  129

20.1     Concept  129

20.2     Repository  130

20.3     Interaction Pattern   132

20.4     Provider Adapter  133

20.5     Consumer Adapter  134

20.6     ModelBus Core Lib API 135

21.       Code Examples  136

21.1     Repository Browser  136

21.2     Microsoft .NET based Repository Browsing  139

21.3     Model Fragmentation   141

21.4     Dependencies Support  142

21.5     Notification Listener  144

21.6     How to write an Adapter  146

21.6.1      1st Project – Interface  147

21.6.2      Second Project – Provider  151

21.6.3      Third Project – Consumer  162

21.6.4      Relations between the parts of the adapter realizations  166

22.       ModelBus Exception Specifications  170

23.       Trouble Shooting Guide  172

Appendix B  A more complex Consumer / Provider Adapter Implementation Example  175

24.       A more complex Consumer / Provider Adapter  177

24.1     How to get the example  177

24.2     The Library Service  179

24.2.1      The Library Meta Model 179

24.2.2      The Service Interface  180

24.2.3      The Service Provider Adapter  182

24.2.4      The Service Consumer Adapter  187

24.2.5      Direct Invocation of the Service using the WSDL  196

24.3     The Source Code of the Java Adapter Implementation Classes used   197

24.3.1      The Library Service Interface  197

24.3.2      The Service Provider Adapter  198

24.3.3      The Service Consumer Adapter  205







1.    What is the ModelBus?

ModelBus is a model-driven tool integration framework which allows you to build a seamlessly integrated tool environment for your system engineering process.

MDE Domains and techniques

ModelBus addresses some of the common problems in today’s software development process:

-      Inconsistencies between development artifacts
To cover the whole software development process you mostly need to apply different independent tools. Modeling artifacts within one tool do not know about modeling artifacts in another tool.  There exist relationships between those artifacts, but they are not explicitly covered and handled by the separate tools.

-      Low degree of automation
Due to the separation of the tools it is quite often complicated to automate the development process. Combination of tools is mostly a manual process using the export and import mechanism of the tools and perhaps manually adapting the intermediate results. Those manual workflows are time consuming and error-prone.

-      Insufficient common terminology
Different tools quite often use different terminologies which need to be adapted or a common terminology to be used

-      Complexity
Complexity of the systems as well as the processes is a real challenge. Automating processes, concentrating on specific aspects through views could help to handle this complexity.

-      Cost
Automating processes, reuse of sub steps  could help to decrease costs

-      Decoupled software tools
Decoupled tools need means to handle relationships of modeling artifacts crossing tools boundaries

-      Produced data remain proprietary and depend on specific tools
Quite often data created within one tool have a tool specific format. Transformations and adaptations  are  needed to cross tool boundaries


ModelBus addresses integration challenges like:


How does ModelBus help?

·       ModelBus offers open interfaces and is based on SOA principles.

·       Commercial of the shelf tools (COTS) can be plugged to the ModelBus to make their functionality available.

·       ModelBus helps you automating your development process.

·       ModelBus supports transparent model sharing.

·       ModelBus allows homogenous views on heterogeneous data and model sources.

·       ModelBus is built on existing standards (SOAP, MOF, EMF, BPMN, BPEL, JMI, OCL).


The ModelBus Core components are provided as Open Source.

2.    ModelBus Architecture

Figure 1 and Figure 2 within this section show different aspects of the ModelBus and its use.

The first shows the ModelBus as integration and communication platform connecting different services offered by tools connected to the ModelBus. Based on SOA principles it also offers a service registry and notification service as core services.  Workflows that can be executed automatically can be defined and executed using orchestration tools. Models can be stored within Repositories (Model Storage) and made available for all tools attach to the ModelBus. Generic model verification services can be used to verify intermediate modeling results with respect to some modeling guidelines. Model transformations can be used to transform the results created with one tool to be usable in the context of another tool. Keeping track of the relationships between the artifacts within the model can be supported by a traceability service.


Figure 1 The ModelBus General Structure

Figure 2 shows another view on the ModelBus.


Figure 2 The ModelBus General Architecture







Installation of
Repository and Client for Eclipse

3.    How to install the ModelBus

Figure 3 shows a typical deployment of a simple ModelBus installation. The ModelBus installation is usually done on a dedicated server or even on your local machine. In this simple installation the ModelBus consists of a WebServer with the ModelBus repository, which is based on Subversion. You can install this locally at your site or you can use an installation remotely, run by another site. In more sophisticated installations the ModelBus server most likely also includes other modeling services (e.g. transformation).

On the left side we see the tools that makes use of services (e.g. repository) through the ModelBus using WebServices communication mechanisms. Those have to be installed separately. The concrete installation process may differ from tool to tool.


Figure 3 General Deployment Architecture

We will illustrate the installation of a local ModelBus and the installation of a “client” based on Eclipse and offering Team support on the ModelBus repository to the user.

3.1        Installation of a “local ModelBus” under Windows


important.png        Please note: The ModelBus installation procedure has changed significantly with the release of version 1.9.7. For installation instructions for older versions please refer to the user guides of the corresponding version.



You will find all the packages you need through the ModelBus Web site: .

Always use the links from the ModelBus Website to get the actual current release version.

The ModelBus Server and Repository is pre-bundled, but not complete with SVN-support. Due to license restrictions you need to download this by your own. First download “Server” from the Website. With release 1.9.5 there will be different versions of the ModelBus Server on the Web site. This document focuses on the Windows installation of ModelBus. It depends on your personal taste which Eclipse based version to use. In our example installation the Juno based Win32 version will be used. All other versions are installed quite similar. Be aware that for a 64 bit installation you also need a 64 bit Java JDK.

Unpack it to a location as you find appropriate, e.g. C:\ModelBus\server.

The ModelBus installation procedure has changed significantly with the release of version 1.9.7. However, for reasons of backward compatibility, the settings for older releases will work with release version 1.9.7 as well. In the following, both the installation process for the 1.9.7 release and for older releases will be explained in detail.

3.1.1      Installation Instructions for Release 1.9.7 and later

For the ModelBus server setup, there is at least one single environment variable MODELBUS_ROOT needed. This variable has to point to the location the contents of the downloaded archive have been extracted to (see Figure 5).

Figure 4 ModelBus Root System variable

The server is configured to look for a configuration model named “modelbus.config” in the serverConfiguration folder within the installation folder. This model contains the basic configuration needed to run the ModelBus server. As default, the model for releases prior to 1.9.9 is defined as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config:ConfigModel xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:config="">

  <locations name="repositoryLocation" location=""/>

  <!-- <locations name="secureRepositoryLocation" location="">


  </locations> //-->

  <locations name="notificationLocation" location="tcp://localhost:61616"/>

  <locations name="svnRepositoryLocation" location="\repository"/>




The configuration model for releases 1.9.9 or later is defined as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config:ConfigModel xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:config="">

  <location name="repositoryLocation" location=""/>

  <!-- <locations name="secureRepositoryLocation" location="">


  </location> //-->

  <location name="notificationLocation" location="tcp://localhost:61616"/>

  <location name="svnRepositoryLocation" location="\repository"/>






The content of the configuration model is initially made up of three different locations: repositoryLocation, notificationLocation and svnRepositoryLocation. The repositoryLocation  contains the URL where the repository server will be running at (e.g. (see Figure 6). “” must be replaced by the real host and port the server should run on.



Beschreibung: important.png         By specifying as host, the ModelBus server will be bound to both, the internal interface (localhost) and the corresponding external interface. If you do not want the server to be available externally, you should replace by localhost.


               Please make sure that you do not add a query string (e.g. “?wsdl”) to the repository location.



The second location in the configuration model, notificationLocation, defines the URL for the ModelBus notification service (e.g. tcp://localhost:61616) which is needed to run the ModelBus server. In most situations, it might be not necessary to change the value of this location.


important.png        Please mind the “tcp://” in the notification address.



The value of the configuration option svnRepositoryLocation defines the location where the ModelBus repository content should be stored. This can be either a path in the servers local file system (e.g. \repository) or an URL pointing to an external Subversion repository.

Local SVN Repository

In case of local repository storage, ModelBus expects a path in the server’s file system as value for the configuration option svnRepositoryLocation. You can specify either a path relative to the ModelBus installation folder (e.g. \repository) or an absolute path (e.g. C:\ModelBus\repository).



Beschreibung: important.png         Please note: ModelBus installation directory and ModelBus Repository directory have to be different. ModelBus Repository directory shall be empty before starting the ModelBus server the first time.



(Optional) Create the directory defined as the svnRepositoryLocation location, e.g. \repository. This folder needs to be empty. The ModelBus server will create the initial data structure within that directory. When you do not create the folder, the ModelBus server will create it automatically on startup.

External SVN Repository

The ModelBus server can also be bound to an external Subversion repository by specifying an URL pointing to the repository location. ModelBus is able to connect to repositories accessible via the Subversion protocol (e.g. svn://localhost/modelbus) or via the WebDAV protocol (e.g. https://localhost/modelbus). In case of using an external repository, the svnRepositoryLocation configuration option needs to be extended with the credentials the ModelBus server should use to connect to the repository. This should be done by using two additional location properties providing the Subversion user and password:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config:ConfigModel xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:config="">


  <locations name="svnRepositoryLocation" location="svn://localhost/modelbus/">

   <properties name="SVNUserName" value="ModelBus"/>

   <properties name="SVNPassword" value="yourpassword"/>





Or for ModelBus releases 1.9.9 or higher:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config:ConfigModel xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:config="">


  <location name="svnRepositoryLocation" location="svn://localhost/modelbus/">

   <property name="SVNUserName" value="ModelBus"/>

   <property name="SVNPassword" value="yourpassword"/>







important.png        Please note: The Subversion user specified in the configuration model is required for connecting the ModelBus server to the external Subversion repository. For user-related transactions on the repository via ModelBus, a user with the same credentials as used for the ModelBus session needs to be added to the Subversion repository.  



Sample Configuration for Local Storage

The following is a summary of sample values for the ModelBus locations mentioned above:

System variable









Beschreibung: important.png        Since ModelBus version 1.9.7, the ModelBus server can be run using https protocol. Please see section 5 Setting up ModelBus for Encrypted Communication (HTTPS) for more detailed information for the setup.



Now, if the server should operate on a SVN repository, we need to add the additional software for the SVN support and thus add the SVNKit binaries compatible to Subversion 1.7 or higher to the ModelBus server installation. Therefore, please download the SVNKit Eclipse Update Site Archive version 1.7.5-v1 or higher using the link on the ModelBus Website: Unpack it to your most favorite temporary location and move the bundles contained in the extracted plugins folder to the \bin\plugins folder of your ModelBus server installation.

To be able to run the ModelBus Server you need to have a Java 6 SDK installed, which you can download at, e.g. jdk-6uxx-windows-i586.exe for the 32 bit server or jdk-6uxx-windows-x64.exe for the 64 bit server.

Local Git Repository

As of server release 1.9.8, the ModelBus server is also able to store data in a local Git repository. The configuration option gitRepositoryLocation has to be used to specify the location of the Git repository. You can either specify a path relative to the ModelBus installation folder (e.g. \gitrepository) or an absolute path (e.g. C:\ModelBus\repository). In addition, the credentials the server should use to access the repository, i.e. a username and an email address, have to be specified as a set of properties of the location:  


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config:ConfigModel xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:config="">


  <locations name="gitRepositoryLocation" location="\gitrepository">

   <properties name="GitUserName" value="ModelBus"/>

   <properties name="GitUserEmail" value=""/>





For ModelBus releases 1.9.9 or higher, the configuration model should look like: 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config:ConfigModel xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:config="">


  <location name="gitRepositoryLocation" location="\gitrepository">

   <property name="GitUserName" value="ModelBus"/>

   <property name="GitUserEmail" value=""/>






important.png        Please note: It is only possible to use a single repository at runtime. If more than one repository location is set (i.e. one location for SVN and another one for Git), the ModelBus server will use the first one specified in the configuration model and ignore the other.   



3.1.2      Installation Instructions for Older Releases

Create a directory where you want the ModelBus repository content to be stored, e.g. C:\ModelBus\ModelBusRepository. This folder needs to be empty. The ModelBus server will create the initial data structure within that directory. You must create a new system variable MODELBUS_SVN_REPOSITORY_LOCATION pointing to that location (see Figure 5).


important.png        Please note: ModelBus installation directory and ModelBus Repository directory have to be different. ModelBus Repository directory shall be empty before starting the ModelBus server the first time.



Figure 5 ModelBus SVN Repository Location System Variable

An additional environment variable MODELBUS_REPOSITORY_LOCATION is needed that contains the URL where the repository server will be running (e.g. http://localhost:8080/modelbusrepository) (see Figure 6). “localhost:8080” must be replaced by the real host and port it is running on.


important.png        Please make sure that you do not add a query string (e.g. “?wsdl”) to the repository location.




The variable MODELBUS_NOTIFICATION_LOCATION with the URL for the notification service (e.g. tcp://localhost:61616) (see Figure 7) is needed to use the notification service.


important.png        Please mind the “tcp://” in the notification address.




The following is a summary of sample values for the system variable mentioned above:

System variable









Now we need to add the additional software for the SVN support. Download the SVNkit using the link on the ModelBus Website “1.3.4” which links to the version needed: (at least Unpack it to your most favorite temporary location.

Move the following files to “…\ModelBusServer\lib” (the lib directory of your pre-bundled Server):

The rest of the SVNKit is not needed any longer so that you can throw it away.

To be able to run the ModelBus Server you need to have a Java 6 SDK installed, which you can download at, e.g. jdk-6uxx-windows-i586.exe for the 32 bit server or jdk-6uxx-windows-x64.exe for the 64 bit server.

3.2        Start and Shutdown of ModelBus Server

Now you can make the ModelBus and its repository available by starting the ModelBus Server. You should use startModelBusServer.exe executable in the server installation folder (see Figure 8 and Figure 9).


important.png        Please do not use “_service.exe” in the bin folder to start the ModelBus Server. In this case the server would not start properly. In addition, there would be no console available indicating problems on startup.



Figure 8 Use startModelBusServer.exe to start the Server

Figure 9 Server Console Window

In order to shutdown ModelBus server release version 1.9.6. or lower, just close the server’s console window. As of ModelBus server release 1.9.7, it is recommended to type “exit” in the server’s console window and to confirm the shutdown question.

If you plan to handle large models it could be necessary to increase the Java heap space size for the server. Therefore you have to edit the startup.bat file in the bin folder and insert an additional parameter. The example shown sets the heap space to 1024MB which also is the default value (Figure 10). With the 64 bit ModelBus server version you can only increase the heap space to ~1.5 GB.

Figure 10 Increase Java Heap Space on the Server

You can quickly check whether the server is running using a web browser and invoking URL that you stated in the repositoryLocation configuration option augmented with the query string “?wsdl”  e.g. http://localhost:8080/modelbusrepository?wsdl. The result should be a listing of the RepositoryService wsdl.

4.    Installing ModelBus on a Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) Desktop

We are going to install ModelBus in the home directory. Therefore create a folder Modelbus there and two folders in it as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11 ModelBus installation location

Within this example we will install a server and a client based on the Eclipse Juno release.

You can also use a Juno based client with an Indigo based server and vice versa. A 32 bit client can also be used with a 64 bit server and vice versa, or a windows client with a Linux based server etc.  The only thing you have to keep in mind is that an appropriate java (32/64 bit) has to be installed.

4.1        Installing the Server

In the example we use a 32 bit Juno based server on the 32 bit Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop system.

First we have to install a Java JDK. We use the openjdk delivered with Ubuntu but we have to install it, e.g. using the Synaptic Package Manager (see Figure 12).

Figure 12 Install OpenJDK

Retrieve the Linux 32 bit (Juno) version from the current release page at Save the file in the Downloads folder.

Similarly retrieve the SVN kit to be used later from

Unpack the Juno based ModelBus Server downloaded to the MBServer directory (see Figure 11) using the Archive manager (see Figure 13).

Similarly extract the SVN jars needed from the archive (see Figure 14) to the plugins directory of the Modelbus Server installation.

Figure 13 Start Archive Manager

Figure 14 Extract the SVN kit jars

Next we have to define the environment variable needed. We do this in the “.profile” for the current user. This will be executed every time the user logs in. The .profile file will only be visible after toggling the “Show Hidden Files” (see Figure 15).

Figure 15 Making  .profile visible

Open .profile in the editor and add the following lines at its end:

export MODELBUS_ROOT=<Path to Modelbus Server Folder>

The MODELBUS_ROOT variable should point to the directory where the Modelbus Server has been installed to.

The result is shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16 .profile of the current user

If you want to configure the server location, the notification service location and the location of the repository, you have to adjust the modelbus.config file in the serverConfiguration folder (see Figure 17). However, for our example installation we don’t change anything.

Figure 17 modelbus.config

Please note that the configuration meta model has changed slightly with the release 1.9.9. See chapter 3.1.1 for details.

Finally, we have to make the “” and the “modelbus” file in the Modelbus Server executable (see Figure 18 and Figure 19).

Figure 18 Set executable

Figure 19 Set modelbus executable

Now we can start the ModelBus server by double click on and selecting “Run in Terminal” (Figure 20).

Figure 20 Run

This will result in a terminal as shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21 ModelBus server started

Accessibility of the Modelbus server can be checked using a browser and invoking the location specified in the repositoryLocation property in the modelbus.config file (see Figure 17) concatenated with the string ”?wsdl”. This will result in displaying the ModelBus Repository WSDL as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22 Invoking the ModelBus Repository WSDL

4.2        Installing the Client

Within this section we will describe how to install the ModelBus Team Provider client based on the Juno modeling release.

First we need the eclipse Juno modeling version for 32 bit Linux as a base to install the ModelBus client. You can download it from:

Unpack it using the Archive Manager to the MBClient directory (similar to the action shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14).

Open the folder eclipse and start the eclipse file contained in there (Figure 23).

Figure 23 Eclipse client

From now on the installation is identical to the Windows based client installation described in this guide and you can follow the description there. To start the client afterwards you only need to start Eclipse you installed it in.

Finally, you will be able to use the Eclipse ModelBus Client (Figure 24) in the same way as the client in the Windows environment and you can follow the descriptions there.

Figure 24 The ModelBus Client


5.    Setting up ModelBus for Encrypted Communication (HTTPS)

As of release 1.9.7, ModelBus supports encrypted communication using HTTPS. An HTTPS connector can be setup in parallel to the HTTP connector or standalone.

If you are not familiar with SSL, see windows/keytool.html for some detailed information about the terms and concepts in context of SSL and its implementation in Java.

5.1        SSL Configuration in ModelBus Configuration Model

The configuration options needed to setup a HTTPS connection to the ModelBus server has to be provided through the ModelBus configuration model modelbus.config introduced in chapter 3.1.1 by using the secureRepositoryLocation location. The following excerpt of the configuration model shows the relevant fragment to configure the HTTPS connection:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config:ConfigModel xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:config="">


<locations name="secureRepositoryLocation" location="">

    <properties name="SSLTrustStore" value="SSL\cacerts.jks"/>

    <properties name="SSLTrustStorePassword" value="yourpassword"/>

    <properties name="SSLKeyStore" value="SSL\modelbus.keystore"/>

    <properties name="SSLKeyStorePassword" value="yourpassword"/>

    <properties name="SSLAlgorithm" value="RSA"/>

    <properties name="SSLPassword" value="yourpassword"/>






For ModelBus releases 1.9.9 or higher, the configuration model looks slightly different:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config:ConfigModel xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:config="">


<location name="secureRepositoryLocation" location="">

    <property name="SSLTrustStore" value="SSL\cacerts.jks"/>

    <property name="SSLTrustStorePassword" value="yourpassword"/>

    <property name="SSLKeyStore" value="SSL\modelbus.keystore"/>

    <property name="SSLKeyStorePassword" value="yourpassword"/>

    <property name="SSLAlgorithm" value="RSA"/>

    <property name="SSLPassword" value="yourpassword"/>






Beside the HTTPS location itself ( some additional properties have to be passed to the ModelBus server in order to configure a SSL connection for ModelBus:

1.      SSLTrustStore: The absolute or relative path (relative to the configuration folder) to the trust store which stores trusted certificates for certificate authorities (CAs) known to the server. If this option is not set, the default trust store shipped with the JDK will be used instead of an own one. See the Java Docs for more detailed information

2.      SSLTrustStorePassword: The password required to access the trust store referenced in the SSLTrustStore property. If an own trust store is configured the password for the JDK built-in trust store has to be used (default: changeme).

3.      SSLKeyStore: The absolute or relative path (relative to the configuration folder) to the key store containing the SSL certificate to use for the communication with the ModelBus server.

4.      SSLKeyStorePassword: The password required to access the key store referenced in the SSLKeyStore property.

5.      SSLAlgorithm: The name of the algorithm used to generate the key pairs and to sign certificates (e.g. RSA).  An overview of supported algorithms can be found at

6.      SSLPassword: The password required to recover the private key generated for the certificate.

In the example configuration both the key store and the trust store reside in a folder named SSL which is a subfolder of the ModelBus configuration folder. Both files are not initially included in the ModelBus configuration and have to be created as explained in chapter 5.2.

The usage of the SSLTrustStore property is optional. If an own trust store is used, the ModelBus server will rely on the CAs listed in the JDK built-in trust store. In this case, you either have to import the certificate of your “own” CA to the JDK trust store - if you want to use a self-signed certificate - or you have to use a certificate verified by a real CA whose certificate is available in the trust store.

In order to check whether the server is running correctly using HTTPS, you can open up a web browser and target it to the URL you have defined in the secureRepositoryLocation configuration option. Please do not forget to add the query string “?wsdl” (e.g. https://localhost:8181/modelbusrepository?wsdl). The result should be a listing of the RepositoryService wsdl as indicated in chapter 3.2.

5.2        Creating ModelBus SSL Certificate

You can either use a real SSL certificate to run the ModelBus server in productive environment or you can create a self-signed one for test purposes. This section describes how to create a custom SSL certificate and how to ‘sign’ it using a custom CA.

Java is delivered with a key and certificate management utility called keytool which allows users to create and manage their own keys and the certificates associated to them. keytool stores the keys and certificates in a file called “key store” which can be understood as a repository of certificates holding the public and private keys required for communication. In the default implementation the key store is implemented as a file where the private keys are protected by a password. The keytool utility can be used to import, export and list the contents of a key store and to generate self-signed certificates for test purposes. For detailed information about the keytool utility see

In order to create a certificate for the ModelBus server, the following steps have to be performed:

1.      Create two folders, e.g. C:\keytools and C:\keytools\keys and change to folder C:\keytools.

2.      Create the key store containing the ModelBus certificate and its key pair.

With the keytool utility, this can be done in one step using the genkey option:


keytool -genkey -alias ModelBusServer -keyalg RSA -validity 365 -keystore keys/modelbus.keystore



This will prompt for some information about the certificate’s owner needed to create the certificate. The following fragment shows some example data for the creation of a certificate for the R&D department of an exemplary company named ExampleCompany.


Enter keystore password: yourpassword

What is your first and last name?


What is the name of your organizational unit?

      [Unknown]: R&D

What is the name of your organization?

      [Unknown]: Example Company

What is the name of your City or Locality?

      [Unknown]: Berlin

What is the name of your State or Province?

      [Unknown]: Berlin

What is the two-letter country code for this unit?

      [Unknown]: DE

Is, OU=R&D, O=Example Company, L=Berlin, ST=Germany, C=DE correct?

      [no]: y


Enter key password for <ModelBusServer>

         (RETURN if same as keystore password):





important.png        Please note: If you do not use a real domain name (value for first and last name of the certificate owner) for the certificate, please use the IP you have specified as host for the secureRepositoryLocation instead.



As a result, a key store file containing the ModelBus private and public keys and its wrapping certificate is created at C:\keytools\keys\modelbus.keystore.

3.      Export the ModelBus certificate from the key store.

This can be done using the export option of keytool. The following command exports the ModelBus certificate to a file named ModelBusServer.cer in the C:\keytools folder:


keytool -export -alias ModelBusServer -storepass yourpassword -file ModelBusServer.cer -keystore keys/modelbus.keystore



4.      Signing the certificate.

If the certificate should be signed by a well-known CA, you first have to initialize a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and sent the generated artifact to the CA prior to importing the certificate into a trust store. See for detailed information about this procedure.

5.      Import the certificate into a trust store.

The keytool utility can be used with the import parameter to create an own trust store and add the ModelBus server certificate to it. Therefore, the following additional parameters should be used:


keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias ModelBusServer -file ModelBusServer.cer -keystore cacerts.jks -keypass yourpassword -storepass yourpassword



After having confirmed that you trust the certificate you are about to import, a file named cacerts.jks is created and the ModelBus certificate is imported as a trusted CA.

Both, the key store containing the certificate for the ModelBus server (modelbus.keystore) and the trust store providing the certificate of the custom CA (cacerts.jks), have to be provided to the ModelBus using the configuration model as described in section 5.1. In addition, the passwords defined in this procedure have to be added to the ModelBus configuration model.

6.    ModelBus Manager


6.1        What is ModelBus Manager?

ModelBus Manager is a web application for the administration of a ModelBus server installation. In its current extent, it allows to browse the ModelBus repository and to manage the user access rights to ModelBus.

6.2        How to Install ModelBus Manager?

ModelBus Manager is shipped together with some of the ModelBus Server distributions based on Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) or higher, available on the ModelBus website. If you have downloaded a distribution containing the ModelBus Manager, please install it as described in section 3.

The ModelBus Manager application starts up together with the ModelBus server on the default port 8080. If you want to change the port, please replace the port in the startup batch file (for Windows distributions: bin\_startup.exe) with a port number of your choice.



important.png        Please note: In case of having changed the port of the ModelBus Manager, you are required to start the ModelBus server by using the corresponding batch file for the change to take effect.



After having started the server, the ModelBus Manager application is available as a web application at http://%host%:%port%/modelbus?startup=manager (e.g. for a local installation using the default port 8080). If access the corresponding URL with your browser, the ModelBus Manager application starts up (see Figure 1).

Figure 25 ModelBus Manager Application without any Open Session



6.3        Login to ModelBus Manager

In order to use the ModelBus Manager application, you have to authenticate with valid ModelBus user credentials. Therefore, you can use the Login button in the application’s toolbar or the Login view. The latter has to be added to the perspective first using the Menu command Application > Show View > Login View.

After having successfully logged in by using valid user credentials (see section 9 for more details), the ModelBus Manager displays the current repository content (Repository view) and the status of the ModelBus server (“Status” view) as shown in Figure 26.

 Figure 26 ModelBus Manager Application with Open Session


6.4        Accessing the Repository

In general, ModelBus Manager allows to browse the ModelBus repository content with read-only access except the deletion of its artifacts. The Repository view displays the content structure of the repository and allows to open the artifacts in a (read-only) text editor (see Figure 27). With the revision link list at its bottom, the editor provides access to the different revisions of an artifact.

 Figure 27 Browsing the Repository with ModelBus Manager

In addition, the Repository view offers a context menu with a set of actions like deleting artifacts or comparing revisions of artifacts using the ModelBus Model DiffMerge tool (see Figure 28).

Figure 28 Repository Context Menu in ModelBus Manager


6.5        Export Repository Contents

ModelBus Manager offers the functionality to export the repository content or a subset of its artifacts of a particular revision as an archive file. Therefore, the artifacts to be included in the exported archive have to be selected in the Repository view first. The context menu of the Repository view provides the corresponding action “Export…” (see Figure 28) which displays a dialog to select the revision to use for the export procedure.

Figure 29 Export Revision Selection Dialog in ModelBus Manager


After having selected the revision to be used for the export, another dialog opens up providing a download link to the assembled archive file.

6.6        Managing Users and Access Rights

ModelBus Manager provides an editor for managing the user groups, the users and its access rights to ModelBus. In order to use the user related functionalities of ModelBus Manager, you have to switch to the Users application perspective first by using the perspective bar located in the top-left corner of the application window. This bar provides a button labeled with “other…” to select a particular perspective to switch to or – in case of already having opened the Users perspective before – a button with direct access to the perspective.

Figure 30 Export Users Perspective in ModelBus Manager

The Users perspective provides a view called “Users” showing the users and user groups defined in the current ModelBus installation. A double-click on an item in this view opens an editor that allows to edit the credentials of a user, its access rights and memberships to user groups. The changes made to a user or a user group have to be applied by clicking the Save button in the application bar.



important.png        Please note: Don’t forget to apply changes of ModelBus users credentials also to the user configuration of your Subversion repository.




7.    ModelBus Proxy

As of release 1.9.9 ModelBus server is shipped with a proxy component that allows browsing the repository. Therefore, the URL of an artifact can be used to navigate to the artifact in a browser. An artifact can be represented in terms of different contexts, e.g. as a set of OSLC resources.

7.1        Server-Side Setup

In order to setup this feature, you have to configure a ModelBus user for the proxy access first and assign the appropriate rights to it (see section 6.6). Afterwards, you have to setup this user to be used for the ModelBus proxy by adding two additional VM arguments to the startup.bat (for Windows, corresponding file in other operating systems) file in the bin folder of the ModelBus server installation folder. The required arguments are org.modelbus.proxy.user and org.modelbus.proxy.password, respectively. The default Admin user can be configured as followed:


-Dorg.modelbus.proxy.user=Admin -Dorg.modelbus.proxy.password=ModelBus



After having done these steps, you have to restart the ModelBus server using the modified startup.bat file so that the changes can take effect.

7.2        Client-Side Setup

On the client side, you have to setup the proxy either on operation system level or on tool level. We recommend doing the latter.

In the following we will demonstrate how to setup the proxy for the Firefox browser:

1.      Please open the Firefox options dialog and switch to “Advanced” and “Network”. The Network tab includes an option “Connection” which allows you to configure the way the browser connects to the internet.

2.      Press the “Settings…” button to open a dialog for changing the proxy configuration of Firefox.

3.      Please select the option Manual proxy configuration and specify the IP or network name and the port the ModelBus server is running at for the option HTTP Proxy (e.g. localhost and Port 8080 in case of local setup). Please leave the addresses for the other proxy connections (SSL, FTP, SOCKS Host) empty! The text field labeled with No Proxy for should contain the value localhost, Figure 31 shows an exemplary configuration.

Figure 31 Firefox Proxy Connection Settings

4.      Apply the settings and close the options dialog.

Now you should be able to browse the repository content within your browser. If navigating to an URL that points to a repository artifact or a folder, the proxy will tell the ModelBus server to deliver an HTML page displaying information and content of the artifact or folder, respectively. In order to access the repository content, you have to authenticate to the server with valid credentials for a user that has sufficient access rights for the given URL.

For example, if you enter the URL to the browser, it will not show the project’s website but the corresponding folder in the repository. When requesting repository content first, the browser is prompting for authentication (see Figure 32).

Figure 32 Authentication Dialog for ModelBus Repository

Please enter valid credentials (e.g. Admin and ModelBus for default Admin user) and confirm. After successful login, the browser will display a HTML page as depicted in Figure 33.

Figure 33 Proxy HTML Page for namespace

Within the tap Repository Browser you can browse the content of the folder and some metadata by selecting the entries of the subfolders or files. When navigating to the URL, the browser will show metadata of the last commit of the ModelBus user meta-model like the user that has created the model, its current revision and last commit date, etc.

The tab OSLC Resources allows browsing information about OSLC resources contained in a model and even in all models within a given folder (see Figure 34).

Figure 34 Information about OSLC resources contained in the system folder

In the default setup, only OSLC information corresponding to the OSLC Core 2.0 specification (see like the title, the description and the (about) URI of an OSLC resource are included in that list. Beside text/html, you can also request a different representation of the resource by changing the HTTP Accept header for the request. For example, you can request a RDF/XML representation of the ModelBus user meta-model (URL: by setting application/rdf+xml as Accept header value (see Figure 35).

Figure 35 RDF/XML representation of the ModelBus user meta-model user.ecore


You can also upgrade your setup by adding support for other OSLC domains like Requirement Management (see and Architecture Management (see If you are interested in such an upgrade, please contact us.

Beside the Repository Browser and the OSLC Resources tabs, an additional Tab Source is available in the context of artifacts that allows to display the content of an artifact, e.g. the user.ecore model (see Figure 36).

Figure 36 Content of the ModelBus user meta-model


8.    Installing ModelBus Client for Eclipse

Like the ModelBus server itself, the ModelBus TeamProvider client release 1.9.7 or higher is designed to obtain the required configuration options in a two-step manner. At first, it tries to locate the ModelBus configuration model. In the second step, if no configuration model was found, the TeamProvider client will rely on the values for the environment variables MODELBUS_REPOSITORY_LOCATION and MODELBUS_NOTIFICATION_LOCATION for configuration.

8.1        Configuration Options with Local ModelBus Server

If you have either a local ModelBus server installed or a configuration model created and the MODELBUS_ROOT environment variable set to the corresponding value (see section 3.1.1), the TeamProvider will be able to load all the required configuration options from the configuration model. Otherwise, you will have to define the environment variables MODELBUS_REPOSITORY_LOCATION and MODELBUS_NOTIFICATION_LOCATION as described in section 8.2.

8.2        Configurations Options for “Standalone” Client

If you neither have a local ModelBus server installed nor at least the configuration model available to the ModelBus framework (see section 3.1.1), the ModelBus TeamProvider client first needs the same environment variable MODELBUS_REPOSITORY_LOCATION as the server that points to the location where the server is running (Figure 37). “localhost:8080” or “” must be replaced by the real host and port it is running on.


In addition, the ModelBus TeamProvider client needs the MODELBUS_NOTIFICATION_LOCATION environment variable set (e.g. tcp://localhost:61616) in order to be able to receive the notifications broadcasted by the ModelBus server (Figure 38).


important.png        Please mind the “tcp://” in the notification address.




8.3        Installing TeamProvider Feature for Eclipse

ModelBus comes with a set of client tools for Eclipse. This contains a TeamProvider implementation, a model repository browser and a notification view. These client tools can be installed in any Eclipse based tool and provide basic client functionality for ModelBus.

It is suggested to use the “Modelling Tools edition” since it includes a lot of tools needed for ModelBus TeamProvider. You may use the following link to pick up an Eclipse Modeling Tools distribution:  

You can install Eclipse by just unpacking the archive to the location you prefer. Then start the Eclipse and call “Install New Software” from the “Help” menu and press “Add” in the window popping up (Figure 39).


Figure 39 Adding New Software Site (1)

In the window appearing enter the location of the update site – you find it on the ModelBus Download page (see Give the site a name e.g. ModelBus (Figure 40).

Figure 40 Add a New Site (2)

After pressing OK, the software available will be shown and you select all features to be installed. Start the installation by pressing “Next” (Figure 41). You will be guided through the next steps of the installation by Eclipse. For our example, in addition to the ModelBus TeamProvider software which is always needed, you can also install the ModelBus Services Examples, the Interactive Modeling software or the Papyrus Adapter which are optional. There are two Papyrus Adapters to install which are compatible to different versions of Papyrus MDT. You have to choose one of them depending on your Papyrus installation.

Figure 41 Available Software

After having installed the ModelBus TeamProvider, please restart Eclipse to apply the changes properly. Then, in case of ModelBus release 1.9.7 or higher, please open the ModelBus preferences page, specify the user credentials and set the path to the configuration model. Optionally, you can tell the TeamProvider to use a SSL encrypted communication with the ModelBus server if the setup of the latter supports this (see section 5). Figure 42 shows some exemplary configuration settings using the ModelBus preferences page.


Figure 42 ModelBus Teamprovider Preferences Page (1.9.7 or higher only)

8.4        Test the ModelBus Server and Client installation

In this section we will show how you can test your installation.

Start the client and create a new Java project (Figure 43). Name it “Test1-MR”.


Figure 43 Create a Java Project

1.      Right click on the newly created Project to open the context menu and select “Team” and “Share Project…” (Figure 44).

2.      Select ModelBus as repository type (Figure 44)

3.      The repository creation/selection is disabled (grayed) (Figure 44)

Figure 44 Share Project via Team Menu

What happened?

ModelBus repositories have Access Control! Refer to section 9 for setting user credentials.

Try again to share project (see Figure 45 Share Project via Team Menu – Second Try). Step 1 and 2 are the same as in the first try (Figure 44). Now we can select the entry “http://localhost:xxxx/..... “. Enter a namespace for the project in the repository in the location field after the” http://” as you like it. In our example it is “Test1-MR”. Press “Finish” afterwards. To commit the content of the project you have to synchronize your project and click commit (see Figure 46, Figure 47). You can enter a commit message and press finish.

Figure 45 Share Project via Team Menu – Second Try

Figure 46: Synchronize the shared Project

Figure 47 Commit project via Synchronize View

Now we have to switch to the “ModelBus Repository Exploring” perspective (Figure 48):

1.      Select “Other” within the first step

2.      From the window opening you can select “ModelBus Repository Exploring”


Figure 48 Select ModelBus Repository Exploring Perspective

Within this perspective we can see the newly created namespace in the ModelBus Repository view (Figure 49).

By the way: the “Test1-MR” artifact we created in the Eclipse Explorer (e.g. in the Java Perspective) is called a Project. In the “ModelBus Repository Exploring” perspective we call it a namespace since it represents a namespace in the repository. The names of both need not necessarily be the same. Using the “Share Project” they are associated to each other.


Figure 49 The Newly Created Repository









Eclipse Client

9.    ModelBus Repository Access Control

To work properly with the ModelBus Client for Eclipse the correct user credentials need to be set. Therefore execute the steps illustrated in Figure 50:

1.      Select Preferences

2.      There select the “ModelBus” preferences

3.      Here you can enter “Username” and “Password”. Be default, ModelBus is shipped with username “Admin” and password “ModelBus” configured. This will be those to be used if you freshly installed a new local ModelBus repository.
If you did not install the ModelBus repository locally on your own machine, you have to ask the administrator of the repository you are linked to for the credentials password to use.

Figure 50 Set ModelBus User Info

Additionally, you have to enter the path to a ModelBus configuration model. If you want to connect to a ModelBus server using HTTPS and the server itself is configured to run using the protocol, you can provide a ModelBus configuration model to the Team Provider including the required information for encrypted communication (see chapter 5 for more information concerning the setup). Therefore, the ModelBus Preferences Page provides two additional configuration options (see Figure 51):

Figure 51 ModelBus TeamProvider HTTPS Setup

1.      Configuration Model: This option states which configuration model should be used for the setup. If you have a ModelBus server running locally, this should (but does not necessarily has to) be the configuration model included in the ModelBus server distribution (see chapter 3.1.1). Otherwise it can be placed at a file system location of your choice.

2.      A checkbox to tell the Team Provider whether to use encrypted communication. This option requires the availability of a configuration model as stated in the “Configuration Model” option. Changing this option at runtime may require restarting the Team Provider.

The connection status to the ModelBus repository is indicated by an icon in the status line of the “ModelBus Repository Exploring” perspective (see Figure 52).


Figure 52 Connection status to ModelBus repository

If the ModelBus icon is greyed, there might be a problem with the connection to the repository. When you move the mouse cursor over the icon, the connection status is shown as a tooltip. In order to show a status view including services connected to the ModelBus, please click on the icon.

10.                        Managing Access Rights with ModelBus Client for Eclipse

If you do not have a ModelBus server running, just start it as described in section 3.2. The client is started by starting the Eclipse it is installed in.

10.1   Finding the “model” namespace in the repository

Switch to the “ModelBus Repository Exploring” perspective (see Figure 48).

There you can explore the model repository and can find the namespaces present in the repository (e.g. the one created earlier in section 8.4). The interesting one is Expanding this one will show something similar to Figure 53.


Figure 53 ModelBus repository tree

The ModelBus.user model is the one which is needed for managing access rights to ModelBus. It can be opened in the User Model Editor via the context menu of the ModelBus Repository view (Figure 53). This will look like shown in Figure 54. The file shown there is the “head” revision directly from the repository. Since it is not a local copy you are not allowed to change it and it is opened “read-only”.


Figure 54 ModelBus.user opened in User Model Editor

To be able to edit the model a local copy of it has to be created in the local workspace.

10.2   Check out a name space to the local workspace as a shared project

Open the “ModelBus Repository Exploring” perspective and expand the “” namespace (see section 10.1).

On “model” select “Check Out” in the context menu (Figure 55).


Figure 55 Check out the “model” name space

Switching back to the Java perspective you will find a “model” project, the shared one from the repository. You can now open ModelBus.user in a User Model Editor (Figure 56). This will open an editor for the tree-view of the model. Do not use the text editor. This will only open the model in a plain XML view and not check your modifications for syntactical correctness. You have a great chance to destroy the accessibility of ModelBus.


Figure 56 Open ModelBus.user in User Model Editor

After finishing the editing of the user model you have to save the changes (in the workspace) and also to commit them back to the repository. In the case of conflicts we will get informed during the commit. The Team Synchronizing perspective, will be explained in section 12.

10.3   Add a new user and commit changes to the Repository

Figure 57 shows ModelBus.user in the user Model Editor in a tree view. During editing it will be aware of the corresponding user meta model and therefore give support to make only syntactically legal changes which are conform to the meta model.


Figure 57 ModelBus.user in User Model Editor

To be able to see details about the elements, you need to open the Properties View (see Figure 58). In Figure 59 you can see the user model with the properties of the selected “User Admin” model element.

open Property view.png

Figure 58 Open Properties View

ModelBus User with Properties.png

Figure 59 ModelBus User Model with Properties View

For adding a new user (see Figure 60):

1.      Create a User element under Model

2.      Set its properties (Name, Password)

3.      Create a Rule element within User

4.      Set its properties (Rule, Mask)

For Mask you can set the values 1, 2, 4, -1 with the following meaning: Read=1, Write=2, Execute=4 and Everything=-1.



Figure 60 Add a new User

Next you have to save the changed model in the local workspace and afterwards to commit the changes back to the repository (see Figure 61).

In the case that there are activities by other team members on the user model you should do a synchronize before the commit and thereby switch to the Team Synchronizing perspective which is useful to handle the relevant aspects with concern to discovering and managing conflicts. This will be described in section 12 in detail.

Commit Changes.png

Figure 61 Commit Changes to Repository

After committing it to the ModelBus repository you may disconnect the shared project and even delete it from the workspace (see Figure 62 (1) and (2&3)).


Figure 62 Disconnect shared project and delete it from workspace

The content of the Package view (1) and the Modelbus Repository (2) after disconnect and delete is shown in Figure 63. The changed ModelBus.user is removed from the workspace. You can even inspect it there by opening it in the User Model Editor (read-only). If the new user is not shown in the ModelBus.user file in the repository you probably forgot to save the file in the workspace before commit or you completely forgot to commit.


Figure 63 Package View and ModelBus Repository (Browser) after Delete from Workspace

10.4   Change the password for the current user

Checkout the ModelBus.user to your local workspace (see section 10.2), open the model in the User Model Editor (see Figure 56) and enter the password for the current user in the Properties View.


Figure 64 Change password of the current user

Save the model and commit the model into the repository. You get a message box asking you to change your password in the ModelBus Preferences Page, too (see Figure 65). After pressing “Ok”, you get a message that a problem occurred because the combination of username and password is not valid (see Figure 66). Then, you have to change your password in the ModelBus Preferences Page (see Figure 50). After synchronizing the model project, you will see conflicts, which can be resolved by “overwrite” or “ignore remote” and “commit…”. After this procedure, you can work on normally.


Figure 65 Info Dialog when trying to change the password of the current user


Figure 66 No valid username and password after changing ModelBus.user

10.5   Example User Access Model

This section gives a small example how to create access rules in order to separate access for the ModelBus users in a coherent and consistent way. This example has a fairly simple respository structure as outlined in Figure 67.



Figure 67 Example Repository Structure

In this example we have three developers: User1, User2 and User3. All shall have access to the projects folder, as they store projects in this folder. But each developer shall only see its own project. So all three developers are bound to the user group developer which contains access rules for accessing the namespace http://project and in addition rules for accessing other relevant namespaces, e.g. In Figure 68 you can see a fundamental set of rules which would be needed for the developer user group. It also shows the individual rules for each of the developers.

Figure 68 Rules for Developer User Group and its users




11.                        Checking ModelBus and Services Status

There are different ways of checking the availability of the ModelBus. One has been used before and is usable independent of the use of the TeamProvider ModelBus client. Within an Web browser window the invocation if the address that has been specified within the MODELBUS_REPOSITORY_LOCATION variable or as the repositoryLocation, respectively (see section 3.1) followed by the query string “?wsdl” will display the WSDL of the ModelBus repository. In our example the invoke: http://localhost:9191/modelbusrepository?wsdl.

Another possibility to check not only the ModelBus availability but also the status of available services is offered in the TeamProvider client. In the status line there is a small ModelBus icon[1] (see Figure 69). Availability of ModelBus will be indicated by a red icon, unavailability by a grey one. If the icon is clicked, the ModelBus Status View will be focused which shows more detailed information about the repository location and the registered services (see Figure 69).

Figure 69 ModelBus Services Availability

12.                        The Team Synchronizing Perspective

To illustrate the synchronization process and further aspects of ModelBus a small UML example model shall be introduced. If you have installed an Eclipse distribution package including the Modeling Tools for your ModelBus client, you may create the example UML2 class model and diagram directly within your client. Create an empty project “Demo-Example” with a folder “models” in it. Within it you create a folder “class-models” where you can create the class diagram by invoking “New à Other” in the context menu of it and select “Class Diagram” (see Figure 70). Name it “library”. This will automatically create the UML model (“library.uml”) when you create and fill up the class diagram (“library.umlclass”).

Create new classdiagr combined.png

Figure 70 Create a UML model and class diagram

The UML class diagram and model example is shown in Figure 71.


Figure 71 The simple UML demo example

To describe the Team Synchronization perspective we will also need the following ModelBus configuration:

·       We have our local ModelBus repository installed as described in section 3.1. The server has been started and is running. We have installed and defined two users for it: “Admin” and “kde” (see section 10) – both at the moment have the right to do EVERYTHING (mask=-1).

·       We use two clients with separate local workspaces, one for user Admin and the other for user kde (see section 9).

·       The initial ModelBus.user model in the repository looks as shown in Figure 72 (with the properties:  passwords for “Admin”:  “ModelBus”, for “kde”:  “kdeModelBus” , for “kde2”: “kde2ModelBus” and mask=-1 for all of them in the rule entry)

Initial ModelBus.user.png

Figure 72 Initial ModelBus.user for the scenarios

12.1   Add a project to the ModelBus repository

To illustrate the functionality offered in the Team Synchronizing perspective we around a little bit with the UML model created at the beginning of this section (see Figure 70 and Figure 71).

We are registered as ModelBus user “kde” for the client we are using and work in the local workspace “MB-Client-Workspace”. This is important because we will use a second client with a separate local workspace later on in parallel.

As the first step we will create a shared project/namespace in the ModelBus repository (see Figure 73):

1.      In the context menu on the project folder in the Package Explorer select “Team” and “Share Project”.

2.      As type select “ModelBus”.

3.      Give it a name for the location in the ModelBus repository. This name (namespace) must be unique within the repository. For this reason you can inspect the namespaces already used in the repository available in the field under beneath the location field.


Figure 73 Create a shared project in the ModelBus repository

Next we will synchronize the content of the local workspace shared project with the content in the ModelBus repository (see Figure 74):

1.      In the Package Explorer we can see the folder structure of the local (shared) project.

2.      Select the folder we want to synchronize and from the context menu invoke “Team” and “Synchronize”. This will ask us to switch to the Team Synchronizing Perspective shown in the next step. In our example we plan to put the whole project into the ModelBus repository, which makes it easier for another user to get it working for him. So we execute the “Synchronize” on project level to include all subfolders and files in it. The “Synchronize” is not absolutely required but a good style of working. We at this moment know that there is no conflicting content in the repository. But “by accident” another client could have created conflicts. Using “Synchronize” first will discover this conflict.

3.      In the Team Synchronizing Perspective, which is offered automatically, we see all material that has been newly created in the local workspace is not in conflict with anything in the repository and can be committed to the repository. This is indicated by the grey arrow with the plus inside it.


Figure 74 Synchronize local workspace and ModelBus repository

Within the next step we will commit it to the ModelBus repository (see Figure 75):

1.      In the Synchronize View of the Team Synchronizing Perspective select the “DemoExample” and in its context menu the “Commit” operation.

2.      When we switch to the ModelBus Repository Exploring Perspective and expand all the entries underneath “DemoExample”, we will find all the material stored in the repository.


Figure 75 Commit project to ModelBus repository

To check that it is really there, we go back to the Java Perspective and the Package Explorer (see Figure 76). 

1.      In the context menu of our DemoExample project we select “Team” and the “Disconnect” option to disconnect the project from the repository.

2.      Then we delete the project form the local workspace.

3.      Do not forget to select the “Delete... content …”.


Figure 76 Discontinue share and delete local project

Now we can again check out the content we just removed from the ModelBus repository (see Figure 77). Go to the ModelBus Repository Exploring Perspective, select the “DemoExample” and in its context menu the “Check out”. If you forgot to remove the project content from your disk (step 3 in Figure 76), you will see a window like shown in Figure 78 and must select to overwrite the stuff in your local workspace.


Figure 77 Check out the project again



Figure 78 Overwrite request by Check Out

Switching to the Java Perspective, expanding the project and folder and opening the UML model and diagram will show us that we got it back unchanged (see Figure 79).


Figure 79 Demo example project is back again

12.2   Producing and discovering conflicts

To produce conflicts we need two clients working with separate local workspaces at the same time on the same stuff.

We are still registered as user “kde” in our client and work on workspace “MB-Client-Workspace”.

We now start a second client and let it work on a separate workspace “MB-Client-Workspace 2”.  We now open the preferences of it and set the ModelBus user (see also section 9 and Figure 50). We use name “kde2” and password “kde2ModelBus”.

Now we select the ModelBus Repository Exploring Perspective (maybe we have to do it as shown in Figure 48).

Next we will check out the DemoExample as we did it in the previous section (see Figure 77).

At this point both clients have checked out the same version from the ModelBus repository and we can create changes on the model and diagram that will produce conflicts afterwards.

Client 1 will create a new class “Reader” and associate it while client 2 changes the name of class “Writer” to “Author”.

Conflicting modfications done.png

Figure 80 Conflicting modifications done

Now we try to commit the changes to the ModelBus repository.

Client 1 starts (see Figure 81):

0.      It calls the Team Synchronize for its whole project in the Package Explorer.

1.      Two artifacts (library.uml and library.umlclass) have been modified in the local workspace (grey arrow left to right) and can be check in without conflicts.

2.      Invoke “Commit” for each of the modified artifacts (only shown for library.umlclass in Figure 80).

3.      After the commits we find new versions (see numbering) when we look in the ModelBus Repository.

client 1 - checkin.png

Figure 81 Commiting modifications from client 1

Next client 2 will try. It also invokes “Synchronize”, but gets a conflict indicated. The red arrow on library.uml indicates that there are conflicting changes between the content of the ModelBus repository and the local workspace. The arrow goes in both directions what indicates that there have been changes in the repository as well as in the local workspace during the check out and the synchronize. In addition we see a blue small arrow (right to left) on library.umlclass, the class diagram, which indicates that it has been changed in between in the repository, too, but there are no conflicts.

Reflecting about these indicators, we can derive: there have been changes in the repository concerning the UML model and the diagram while client 2 introduced his changes. These changes concerned the model as well as the diagram. Since client 2 did not change the diagram but only the model (rename a class), there are no “conflicts” concerning the diagram but for the model there are changes in both directions.

Client 2 could decide to just discard his local changes, check out the modified version and try again or try to inspect the conflicts more deeply using a compare editor. This will be shown in the section 12.3.

client2 - sync  conflict.png

Figure 82 Synchronization conflicts indicated for client 2

12.3   Inspecting the conflicts using a Compare editor

Additional help resolving the conflicts can be obtained by invoking the Compare Editor (Figure 83).  This is based on the EMF Compare (see

client2 - open compare.png

Figure 83 Invoking the Compare Editor

The Compare results for our UML model (library.uml) are shown in (see Figure 84). The UML model version client 2 wants to check in is shown in the bottom right window, the one in the ModelBus repository in the bottom left window. Expand the trees as far as you need them.

client2 - diff in compare.png

Figure 84 Results of the Compare Editor invocation

The Compare Editor allows you to copy all or selected changes from the “left” to the “right” and to propagate from one to the next change. Whether this is helpful for a specific conflict or not must be decided individually. In our situation the UML model and diagram are two separate instance files of meta-models. The compare editor therefore handles them separately and therefore may create inconsistent model/diagram situations.

So mostly the compare editor will only be a helper to more deeply identify the conflicts.


12.4   Some explanations on the Team Synchronizing perspective

Within this section some features of the Team Synchronizing Perspective shall be summarized. 

First of all we have the indication of changes and conflicts in the Synchronize view (see Figure 85):

·       Blue arrow (right to left) indicates changes in the repository

·       Grey arrow (left to right) indicates changes in the local workspace

·       Red  arrow (both directions) indicates conflicts

·       Additional + in the arrow indicates additions

·       Additional – in the arrow indicates deletions

In the Synchronize View you can select filters from the menu bar to only show changes in a specific direction or conflicts. You can also invoke an operation there to merge all non-conflicting changes.

sync view and arrows.png

Figure 85 Synchronize View and Arrow Symbols

Alternatively one can synchronize the changes between the local workspace and the repository on an object to object basis using the commands in the context menu of the object (see Figure 86):

·       Commit: Copies the object from the local workspace to the repository with a dialog if there are conflicts.

·       Update: Copies the object from the repository to the local workspace with a dialog if there are conflicts.

·       Overwrite: Copies the object from the repository to the local workspace without asking.

·       Ignore Remote: Copies the object from the local workspace to the repository without asking.

sync operations.png

Figure 86 Synchronization Operations 

13.                        Locking Elements in the Repository

This chapter describes the possibility of locking elements in the ModelBus repository. This always works with complete files and models as described in section 13.1. There exist ModelBus adapters for Papyrus MDT and RSA and an adjusted Papyrus 1.12.3 version that allows locking and unlocking for model elements as described in section 13.2.


13.1   Locking Files and complete Models

Assume the situation that more than one user want to work on the same files or models at the same time. In this situation they can use the ModelBus repository, store their files and models there and synchronize their work using the lock mechanism offered.

This shall be illustrated using a simple text file and a simple UML model within this section.

Assume the first user has created a project containing a simple text file and a simple UML model as shown in Figure 87 and shared and committed it to the repository (see Figure 88).

Figure 87 Example created by first user

Figure 88 ModelBus Repository view on the example


A second user with its own ModelBus client, username and local workspace checks out the project (Figure 89) and probably wants to make some changes on the e.g. text files.

Figure 89 Second User Check Out

To prevent the (text) file from being changed intermediately he may set a lock on the text file (see Figure 90 (1)).

Figure 90 Locking a File

The lock will be indicated to the user who set it and is still able modify it with a small green lock icon (see Figure 90 (2)) and to the other user(s) by a red icon (see Figure 90 (3)).

The lock can be released using the Unlock command (see Figure 91) by the user that initiated the locking.

As you can see in Figure 91 another user has locked the UML file intermediately indicated by the red lock icon.

Figure 91 Unlock a File

13.2   Locking Model Elements in the Repository

The following section will explain a specific feature implemented in ModelBus adapters for Papyrus MDT and RSA in combination with the ModelBus Repository.

Two users working simultaneously on the same model may synchronize their work using the locking and unlocking of model elements in the repository.

One of the users may invoke the lock operation on a model element (see Figure 92).  The result will be indicated to all as shown in Figure 93 by a green lock symbol to the user who has set the lock and with a red lock symbol to the others. In addition the text “locked” and “locked by …” will be shown which will also show the name of the user that initiated the lock.

The unlock operation (see Figure 94) will release the locks.

Figure 92 Locking a Model Element


Figure 93 Lock result indication

Figure 94 The Unlock Command

14.                        The ModelBus Repository Exploring Perspective

The ModelBus Repository Exploring perspective allows inspecting the content of the repository.  A screenshot of the perspective is shown in Figure 95.


Figure 95 ModelBus Repository Exploring

The ModelBus Repository Perspective can also be used to navigate through a model (in a tree view). You can select the types to browse in the preferences (see Figure 96).

Figure 96 Browsing Models in the Repository

15.                        Notifications

The ModelBus includes and offers notification service. This can be used to send notifications between services and to clients. The notifications are displayed in a specific view in a client (see Figure 97).  In the example shown, the successful update of the repository as a result of a commit request is displayed.

notification view.png

Figure 97 The Notification view

Within the Eclipse preferences exists a section for the notifications in the ModelBus subsection (see Figure 98).  Here you can select that you want to receive notifications concerning open models only and / or specify a filter (regular expression) for the notifications to receive.

notification preferences.png

Figure 98 Notification Preferences

16.                        Dependencies

The ModelBus provides dependencies support. That means, if you check in a model all its referenced models and meta models are automatically checked in, too. Furthermore, the incoming references of a model or a model element can be displayed in the Dependencies View.

Within the Eclipse preferences there is a preference page for dependencies support (see Figure 99) where you can enable “check dependencies” and declare the model extensions you want to support. “Check dependencies” is disabled by default. In Figure 99 we have enabled the dependencies support for UML models. 

The Dependencies View can be opened via the “show Dependencies” action, which can be selected in the context menu of a model file or a model element in the submenu “ModelBus”. Figure 100 shows incoming references for a model element. You can see information about the referencing object (URI, name, type). Figure 101 shows incoming references for a model.



Figure 99 Dependencies Preferences


Figure 100 Dependencies View for a Model Element


Figure 101 Dependencies View for a Model

17.                        Fragmentation    

You have the ability to divide your models into several fragments. Select the entry “control fragment” in the submenu “ModelBus” in the context menu of a model element (see Figure 102).


Figure 102 Control Fragment in the Repository View

A repository wizard opens where you have to choose the destination namespace for the fragment file. Enter the filename and click on the button “Finish” (see Figure 103). Then you have to synchronize your project. The previously created fragment file is seen in the Synchronize View and you have to update your project. Now you can work on the fragment. After you have committed the changes, the fragment can be uncontrolled again by selecting “uncontrol fragment”.


Figure 103 Choose Destination Folder and enter the File Name for the Fragment

18.                        Interactive Mode

ModelBus offers an interactive mode that makes it possible to change models interactively in near real time and to commit model changes incrementally. There exists an “Interactive Modeling” preferences subsection within the ModelBus Preferences section (see Figure 104) where you can enable three different checkboxes. The “Interactive Modeling” checkbox enables the interactive mode in general. Before you can use the interactive mode, you have to ensure that the model has been committed to the repository with all its dependencies (see section 16).


Figure 104 Interactive Modeling Preferences

To enable the interactive mode for your model, the model has to be opened in an editor. If the model is shared and if the editor uses transactional editing domains, the “Interactive Modeling” button in the toolbar is enabled (see Figure 105). When the button is activated, you are ready to work interactively. After each change transaction, a change set is committed to the repository and clients that work on the same model and have enabled the interactive mode are updated automatically. The second checkbox enables commits on save. It can be enabled only if the first checkbox “Interactive Modeling” is enabled. In the commit on save mode your changes are committed in a batch after saving the model. The third checkbox enables automatic locking and unlocking of model elements to change. This can only be used in combination with the commit on save mode. When you start to change your model, the current changed model element and all its children are locked and cannot be changed by other developers. After saving your model, all locked elements are unlocked again.


Figure 105 Interactive Modeling Button










19.                        Orchestration

ModelBus operations and services based on ModelBus are specified as web services. Their interfaces are described by a WSDL and can be invoked using webs service mechanisms.  This offers the chance to use all well-known and proven methods and tools for orchestration in the web services area in the context of ModelBus orchestration, too.

In addition the ModelBus repository emits notifications whenever its contents, e.g. a model, has been created, updated or deleted.

Both features are very useful to automate workflows in the model based development environment based on ModelBus.

In the web services area at least two approaches for orchestration exist:

·       BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation), a graphics based modeling approach for business workflows, defined in an OMG specification (

·       BPEL (Business process Execution Language), an XML based language specified by OASIS (

BPMN is a graphical notation which is not directly executable, meanwhile BPEL workflows can be executed but there is no standardized graphical representation for them.

Some BPEL tools have invented their own graphical representation. On the other hand BPMN includes the specification of a mapping from BPMN to WS-BPEL.

There exist not only tools that allow the specification of workflows in BPMN or BPEL separately but also tools that allow the graphical modeling of workflows using BPMN than generate BPEL from it, deploy it and then execute it using a BPEL engine.

For one of those tools exists an open-source edition, that shall be used in the context of this user guide to further on illustrate the orchestration in the context of ModelBus (

The Intalio tool consists of two parts:

·       Intalio Designer is used to model the workflows using BPMN, then augment them with information from the web service specifications (WSDL) used and deploy them to an execution environment.

·       Intalio Server is the environment the BPEL based workflows are deployed to and executed in.

The Intalio tool also includes an extension for BPEL that supports human interactions (BPEL4PEOPLE), which is also specified by OASIS.

The principle approach of defining a workflow starting with BPMN is mostly the same in different tools supporting it:

·       Specify the workflow using BPMN

·       Add information about the service operations, notifications, data used based on the WSDL

·       Deploy the executable workflow to a server

·       Execute it

A small example should illustrate the use of a very simple workflow in the context of ModelBus based services.  The workflow should illustrate the combination of a model editor that changes a model, model repository to store it and a transformation tool (QVTService) to execute a transformation if necessary.

Assume the following situation:

·       A modeling service (e.g. some editor) is doing some changes within a specific model. It stores the updated model to the repository.

·       The Repository will emit an updateModel notification.

·       Anybody interested in this event might receive it and react on it.

·       A workflow in an orchestration tool will react on the update notification and depending on some condition (e.g. if it is a specific type of model) invoke a transformation service (QVT Service).

·       If the transformation is invoked, it will transform the model (from the repository to the repository.

19.1    Modeling the basic workflow with BPMN

The resulting basic BPMN diagram looks quite simple (see Figure 106):

·       There are 3 separate pools representing the separate domains of the orchestration workflow, the ModelBus repository and the transformation service. For reasons of simplicity we did not include the model editor which would have been the initiator for the update of the model in the repository.

·       We have two tasks and one sub process: the Repositorynotification task sending the notification about the model update; the transform task being used to execute the transformation in the QVT service and the Transform task / sub process in the workflow that invokes the QVT transformation.

·       One start event in the workflow receives the updateModel notification and starts the workflow.

·       The “exclusive data-based” gateway decides whether the transformation should be executed or not.

·       Two end events mark the end of the workflow execution: one for the successful execution and one in the case of an error (the one with the flash symbol in it).

·       An intermediate/boundary event is used to catch exceptions during the transformation at the boundary of the sub process.

·       Flow connectors (solid arcs) represent the flow inside a pool while message connections (dashed arcs) represent the sending and receiving of messages between pools.


Figure 106 The Basic BPMN Diagram

The orchestration workflow still shows some error and warning symbols: the decision for the gateway has not been specified yet and also the details for the messages received and send are not specified. This will be described in section 19.2.

In addition we will have to define one of the exit paths of the gate as a default condition. This path will be taken, whenever no other path qualifies. This is done by setting the “Default condition” in the properties view for this path to true.


First the possible modeling elements for BPMN should just be sketched. For a complete specification of BPMN see the official OMG document at

The basic shapes (see Figure 107) allow modeling the separate domains using pools and lanes, offer simple tasks or tasks executed in a loop and sub processes (simple and looping) which represent “sub workflows”. Connectors represent the flow inside a pool (flow connector) or between pools (message connection).


Figure 107 Basic BPMN Shapes

Events distinguish between start, intermediate and end events (see Figure 108):

·       Start events mark the starting point of a workflow. The execution can be initiated receiving a message or signal, some timer, some rules specified etc.

·       Intermediate events mark the position between start and end of a workflow where the reception or sending of an event is possible.

·       End events mark the end of a workflow. They may signal whether the execution was successful or not by issuing a specific event.

A special type of event is the compensation. This is used to realize a transaction like execution within workflows. Normal transaction mechanisms are not always useful in the context of business workflows since there duration could be hours, or even days or months. Therefore the concept of compensation actions exists. For every subpart of a workflow (e.g. specified as a sub process) that should probably “rolled back” should have the specification of a flow of tasks that undo (compensate) the work of it explicitly. Those could start at an intermediate event at the boundary of the sub process similar to the error event in Figure 106. The unsuccessful sub process will then end in a compensation end event. This will be caught at the boundary of sub process and continue execution there undoing the actions of the sub process.


Figure 108 Event Shapes

Gateways are the points in the workflow to branch and join the flow in a controlled way.


Figure 109 Gateway Shapes

19.2   Basic BPMN diagram with interface descriptions

Up to now the BPMN workflow knows that there are tasks that do something in different pools, decision points, messages etc.

It does not know details about the messages exchanges, what ports/operations are realized/implemented by what tasks what exactly is the decision in a gate etc. Due to that  no fully executable BPEL workflow can be generated. The information kept in the WSDL can be used to augment the BPMN diagram. This will be illustrated here in the context of the Intalio tool, but works in a similar way with other tools combining BPMN and BPEL. It might be that they do not use “drag and drop”, but require you to set some additional properties for the modeling artifacts in your diagram manually.

As a first step the necessary WSDLs and XSDs have to be added to your project. You can do this with “drag and drop” of the files or by using import.

Figure 110 shows how to use the RepositoryNotification WSDL as first step:

·       Expand the WSDL and drag and drop the updateModel operation from the Process Explorer to the RepositoryNotification/update task in the BPMN diagram (ModelBus Repository pool).

·       Select “Provide operation ‘updateModel’ …” when you are asked (the task will provide the operation).

·       Drag and drop the updateModelRequest from the updateModel operation (WSDL in the Process Explorer) to the message going to the start event in the Orchestration Workflow.


Figure 110 Assigning the Information from the RepositoryNotification WSDL

For the transform task in the QVT Service pool another approach shall be illustrated.

Assume we started with modeling the BPMN workflow in the Orchestration Workflow pool only without filling up the QVT Service Pool. The situation could look similar to the one shown in Figure 111.


Figure 111 Integrating the qvtservice.wsdl

Instead of first creating a BPMN task we may drag and drop the transform operation from the qvtservice WSDL to the QVT Service pool (see Figure 113). This will ask as whether it should create a single task for the operation (see Figure 112 (1)) or two linked task connected by a flow representing the receive and reply separately (see Figure 112 (2)). We will select the single task version.


Figure 112 Single or Separated Tasks



Figure 113 Creating the Transform Task by Drag and Drop from the WSDL

Drawing the message flow connections between the transform task in the Orchestration Workflow and the transform task in the QVT Service is done with the normal BPMN modeling shapes but will automatically assign the request and respond messages of the transform operation. The resulting diagram is shown in Figure 114.


Figure 114 The final BPMN Diagram augmented with the WSDL Information

The diagram still contains a warning marked at the decision gateway and errors on the outgoing flows. The actual decision is not defined sufficiently.

19.3   Mapping data and using variables in the workflow

There are at least two places where we need to have access to the data in the workflow:

1.      To describe the decision to be made in the gateway and

2.      To send and receive info to and from the transform operation in the QVT service.

We got variables introduced to our BPMN workflow by assigning operations from the WSDL to our message connections.

The first are introduced by the Repository Notification operation updateModel (see Figure 115): the two parameters of the updateModelRequest received by the start event in the workflow.

Notification wsdl.png

Figure 115 Repository Notification WSDL

These will be used in the decision. If the modelUri ends with “.uml”, that means it is an UML model, the transformation shall be called.

Within Intalio Designer the “Mapper” view is used to connect the variables. Selecting the decision gateway, opening the Mapper the request parameters are shown in the left column (data sources). On the left we see the condition and in the middle column we will specify how to build the decision. This is done graphically in Intalio Designer.

The mapping for the decision is shown in Figure 116.



Figure 116 Data Variable Mapping for the Decision

For the transform request the situation is similar except that we have to assign data to the request parameters. Most of the parameters are constants. The modelURI is just passed through.


Figure 117 Data Variable Mapping for the Transform Operation Request

19.4   The generated executable BPEL workflow

From the BPMN workflow an xml file with the executable BPEL workflow will be generated. With the Intalio tool this file normally is complete and will not have to be touched. The following sections should only give some glimpse into it to give an impression of the correspondence between the BPMN and the BPEL workflows.


Figure 118 The Generated BPEL Workflow (Treeview)

Looking at the BPEL workflow in the tree view of an xml editor (see Figure 118) the following elements can be identified:

1.      The receive of the updatemodel notification

2.      The gate with its condition

3.      The fault handler catching the exception

4.      The assignment of the parameters and invocation of the transform

A lot of details are still hidden in the collapsed parts of the xml file. Nevertheless the executable workflow could also have been created directly using the support of a BPEL editor. In this case a non-graphical workflow editor or one with a proprietary graphical notation would have to be used.

19.5   Deployment and execution of the workflow

To be executed the BPEL workflow and possibly needed additional xml files have to be deployed to an appropriate BPEL server. In this case a BPEL 2.0 server has to be used. Using the Intalio Server is most appropriate due to its integration with the Designer environment but other BPEL 2.0 servers might work to.


Figure 119 BPEL Workflow Deployment

Just invoke Deploy (see Figure 119). Doing this the first time it will open a configuration view to select the files to be deployed. To change the configuration afterwards, it can be invoked directly. Pressing the deploy button will send the files and information to the server ready to be executed.

The Intalio BPM-Server can be controlled using a server console in a web browser (see Figure 120).


Figure 120 The BPM Server Console

For more details on the BPM workflow definition, execution and control see the Intalio documentation on the web site ( or the documentation of your favorite tools.

19.6   Including user interaction in a workflow

The BPMN workflow (see Figure 121) caught exceptions from the transformation on the border of the sub process invoking it. Exceptions can be handled in different passed (as done) or automatically processed including a specific task / sub process or semi automatically processed by invoking a human interaction.


Figure 121 The BPMN Workflow

For BPEL an extension (BPEL4People) exists that allows interactions with humans. Intalio implements this in it tool. In the following section it shall be sketched how this feature can be used in a workflow and how it will influence the automatic execution. The will not be a full and detailed description of integration of human interaction in a workflow using the Intalio tools. For that use the documentation and examples from the web site (

Human interaction means communicating information with human users. For this Intalio allows to define “forms” which allow the definition of the information exchange. This must be defined with the Designer tool. Intalio offers two different ways to define those forms. For detailed information see the Intalio community documentation. Since only the principles of human interaction shall be shown here, the outdated and less flexible way is used here I the examples.

Then the interaction with a human user must be included in the BPMN workflow. Assume that in the case of an exception in the transform operation a human activity shall be invoked to do some “repair” depending on its success the normal or error exit shall be taken.

The form to interact with the user is shown in Figure 122. The upper part is to output the URI of the model where the transformation went wrong. Normally you should deliver here detailed information about the error. The second is to input the result of the human action and to deliver it back to the orchestration workflow.

Interaction form.png

Figure 122  Human Interaction form for the “repair action”

The repair process in the orchestration workflow will be started catching the exception at the border of the transform sub process. It is shown in Figure 123. The task in there must be linked to some tasks in a pool representing the human actor.

Repair subprocess in orchestration.png

Figure 123 Orchestration Workflow Extension for the Repair Process

Therefore, an additional non executable pool has to be created and a chain of two tasks to receive the action request and to respond when it is completed has to be created. This is done by just drag and drop the form created to the pool and anther the question popping up (see Figure 124).

The two resulting tasks in the Human User pool have two be connected to the corresponding tasks in the orchestration workflow by message flows as shown in Figure 125. The order of the message flows is important. They are automatically combined with the WSDL information for the interaction.

In addition, we have to set the role of human the task should be assigned to in the properties of the pool. The result is shown in Figure 125.


Figure 124 Drag and Drop the Human Interaction Form


Figure 125 Message Flows to the Human Tasks and Role Property for the Pool

The last step to be done is the mapping of information:

1.      In the “Invoke human action task” the model URI has to be assigned to the form info (see Figure 126).

2.      The condition for the gate has to be defined (see Figure 127).


Figure 126 Data Mapping of the Model URI


Figure 127 The Gate Condition in the Repair Sub Process

In addition, to the BPMS console of the server used to administer the workflows, there exists an Intalio workflow console where a user logs in as a member of a specific role. When in our case a member of the “Supporter” role logs in he will find the invoked human action in its tasks, will be presented the form and react on it. After he sends the completion, the processing will continue in the orchestration workflow.

Be aware that it can take hours, or even days or month until the human interaction is completed. For this reason compensation actions instead of transactions must be used and it may be useful to use timers in the orchestration workflow not to be forced to infinitely wait.









Developer API

20.                        ModelBus Architecture

The following section describes the ModelBus architecture in more detail. The first sections describe the underlying concepts and the corresponding interaction pattern.

20.1   Concept

Within a ModelBus environment each artifact that is shared between different tools is unique identified by a namespace. The namespace is represented by URLs. The namespace could also be used to structure artifacts by grouping them into domains and sub-domains. An example structuring can look like this:


The example.doc file is identified within a ModelBus environment by a namespace which is represented by the URL Likewise, models were addressed and identified by the same mechanism. Thus, the model mymodel is addressed by the URL Both, file and model, are grouped into the domain However, they are separated into different sub-domains.

In the context of ModelBus models are special artifacts which will be shared. In contrast to plain files models have dependencies and references to other models. For instance a model has no meaning without its meta-model.  Thus, for instance, we have to share meta-models as well in order to share models between tools. Furthermore, models can become very huge with thousands of elements. However, due to the fact that models are well structured, we can use model-driven techniques as incremental model transportation or transferring only parts of model (model fragments) in order to deal with the complexity of such big models. There are several other questions with respect to model sharing. Therefore, ModelBus comes with a set of particular functions which handle model sharing issues like scalability or consistency. This handling is transparent to the user and managed by the ModelBus infrastructure.

Due to the fact that the ModelBus infrastructure is designed for model sharing in particular, this also reflect to the connectors to the infrastructure. In general, we have to define a meta-model for each tool, which will be connected to a ModelBus tool chain. Figure 52 illustrates a generic ModelBus integration. The basic idea is that a tool wants to share its data with other tools in an integrated environment. In addition to that a tool can also provide operation for others. However, in many cases tools don’t have the same data structure, data format or data basis. Models can help. Therefore, we specify a meta-model of the tool internal data and adapt them into a specific tool data instance model which conforms to the meta-model. Then, we only exchange and share these instance models.


Figure 128 Generic ModelBus Integration

In today’s software development processes different tools are used in the same engineering phases. For instance, Doors ( and Microsoft Office (Word/Excel) ( are important and frequently used tools in the requirement engineering phase of software projects. Thus, we can also define a meta-model for the requirement domain and share instances of it as well. Thereby, we will have a common language for different tools in the same development phase.

Every instance model has an URL representing the namespace of it, regardless of domain or tool. All models are stored in a model repository. The next section describes the repository briefly.

20.2   Repository

The key concept of model sharing in ModelBus is realized via a model repository. This repository interface is open and allows straight forward addressing of models via URLs. This addressing schema also results in simple service interfaces, because only model references instead of models are transmitted. Repository vendors can implement this interface in order to be ModelBus conform. ModelBus itself is delivered with a built-in model repository, which supports versioning, partial check-out of models and coordinates the merging of model versions and model fragments.

The model repository is a web service and provides the following services and notifications.

service name



The checkInModel operation stores or updates the model into the repository at the given modelURI and it creates a new revision. The operation returns a checksum in order to verify the successful transmission of the model. If the model does not exist within the repository the model will be created initial by the operation


The checkOutModel operation gets a model from the repository according to the given modelURI. If a specific revision of the model is requested the URL needs to contain the corresponded revision number or peq revision number


The checkInFile operation stores the file into the repository at the given fileURI. The file will initial created if it does not exist already.


The checkOutFile operation gets a file from the repository according to the given fileURI. If a specific revision of the file is requested the URL needs to contain the corresponded revision number or peq revision number.


The delete operation removes the corresponding artifact according to the given URL.


The exists operation checks whether the corresponding artifact exists at the given URI with the given revision number.


The getDir operation gets information of the RepositoryDirNodeKind according to the given URL and revision’s version number.


The info operation gets information of the artifact according to the given URL and revision number.


The lock operation locks the artefact according to the given URL. The timeout parameter specifies the timing end of the lock. If the timeout value is 0 the lock is permanent and has no timeout.


The unlock operation unlocks the locked artifact according to the given URL.


The getLocks operation gets information of all locked artifacts according to the given URL prefix.

specific notification


The createModel event will triggered whenever a model was created or initially stored in the repository.


The updateModel event will triggered whenever a new version of model is checked into the repository.


The deleteModel event will triggered when a model was deleted in the repository.


ModelBus make use of the call-by-reference interaction pattern which is described in the next section.

20.3   Interaction Pattern

ModelBus provides an interaction pattern in order to enable model sharing in a distributed and heterogeneous model-driven development process. Figure 53 depicts the general interaction pattern in a ModelBus integration scenario.

Figure 129 ModelBus Interaction Pattern

The basic idea is that Tool A interacts as a consumer of the provided service of Tool B, which interacts as a service. If Tool A wants to consume the service of Tool B it simply invokes the corresponding operation in the ModelBus Stub. The generated stub will offer by the ModelBus infrastructure automatically and it is based on distributed OSGI. The stub stores the model into the repository, for instance by calling the checkInModel operation of the repository. After that the stub invokes the service skeleton which is also offered by the ModelBus infrastructure. During this invoking stub and skeleton only exchange the references of the models. This means that the consumer only specify of URL of the model, whereas the service skeleton only expects this URL. On the other hand the service skeleton takes this URL and gets the model from the repository by calling checkOutModel. The skeleton, itself, calls the corresponding implementation of Tool B.

The response is analog, due to the fact that the result data of the service operation is a model as well. The response model will also check into the repository by the skeleton. The skeleton returns to the stub only by transferring the URL of the response model. The stub checks out the response model again and delivers it to Tool A.

The advantage of this is interaction pattern is that service interfaces become simple and only use standard WSDL data types. Thereby, external tools, like Intalio BPMS Designer ( can be used in order to orchestrate ModelBus services as well as exclusive or in combination with other non-ModelBus services.

20.4   Provider Adapter

The architecture of a provider adapter is illustrated in figure 54. In general, an adapter consists of three parts. The colors shall depict the different parts.


Figure 130 Provider Tool Adapter Architecture

The blue part represents the tool logic and its data. Usually, a tool represents the data, which the tool is working on, in its own format. Therefore, we have to adapt this internal data into a common exchange format. For this reason we have to define an EMF-based meta-model that represents all necessary aspects of the internal data in the context of ModelBus. The concrete tool data are adapted into instances of this meta-model. This part is represented in figure 54 by the green color. The third part of an adapter is a more generic part represented by the red color. This includes several third party libraries as well as the ModelBus Core lib. The core lib provides an API that enables the access to the model repository directly. This API can also be used in order to querying or browsing the repository from a tool specific user front end. The interaction between provider and consumer is realized via Apache CXF DOSGI implementation ( Therefore, the integration effort to ModelBus is similar to the integration effort of DOSGI. Furthermore, the core lib provides a number of specific functions in particular for models like dependency management or fragment support.

20.5   Consumer Adapter

A ModelBus consumer adapter isn’t very different to a provider. It also consists of the generic part, the tool and its data and as well as the adaption part to a model-based representation of the tool internal data.


Figure 131 Consumer Tool Adapter Architecture

In this generic example the consumer use the provider tool meta-model. This meta-model is the common exchange format between these tools. The transformation between this format and the tool internal data of the consumer is done by an adaption component. This component is tool specific and different from tool to tool. However, a lot of tools already have a model as basis for their internal data. And also many tools already use the EMF for defining such models. In this case the adaption between tool internal data and the corresponding tool instance model has no significant effort. Of course the consumer can also use the ModelBus Core lib in order to browsing the repository as well as to check-in or check-out models or other artifacts directly into the model repository.

The communication infrastructure framework is based on third party library for the consumer as well. Again the DOSGi project is used to enable the web service functionalities for remote services via SOAP over HTTP. Nevertheless, the communication frameworks as well as the model handling facilities are completely transparent to the developers of the provider or consumer.

20.6   ModelBus Core Lib API

One of the important classes within the ModelBus core lib is the ModelBusCoreLib. This class encapsulates the remote access to the model repository and ModelBus services and therefore provides an implementation of a so called “repository helper” or “services helper”, respectively. The RepositoryHelper, which is the default implementation for a repository helper, is located in the package org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.

The following section shows some examples in order to demonstrate how to work with the ModelBus core lib. In addition to the RepositoryHelper class an example illustrates also how to receive notifications from the ModelBus infrastructure.

21.                        Code Examples

In the following we describe some examples how to use the core lib and interact with the repository. The source code of these examples is available on the website.

The starting point for the examples is that you have already gone through the installation part of this user guide. Make sure that everything is installed correctly and the server containing the model repository is up and running.

21.1   Repository Browser

This example illustrates how to use the core lib and its API in order to browse through the repository.

Step 1 - Create an Eclipse Plug-In Project and add org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi, org.modelbus.cxf.dosgi.startup, org.eclipse.core.runtime and org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi to the required plugin-ins in the project MANIFEST.MF file.

Figure 132 required Plug-ins configuration

Step 2 - Create a java class and the two properties.

public class RepositoryBrowserExample {


      public static IRepositoryHelper repository =                                                          ModelBusCoreLib.getRepositoryHelper();

      public static Session session = new Session();


We define a repository attribute of type IRepositoryHelper. To construct the IRepositoryHelper we have to call the method getRepositoryHelper() of the class ModelBusCoreLib. In addition to that we also need a session in order to authenticate with the repository as a valid user.

Step 3 - initialize the session with corresponding data


public class RepositoryBrowserExample {


      // ...     


      public static void initSession() {


            Property propertyUserName = new Property();



            Property propertyPassword = new Property();








In general, the user Admin with the password ModelBus is created initially by the ModelBus infrastructure. This user information is encapsulated within the Session object.

Step 4 – use the ModelBus core lib API

public class RepositoryBrowserExample {


      // ...     


      public static void main(String[] args) {


            // initialize the (static) session



            try {

                  // retrieve the root entry from the repository

                  RepositoryDirEntry root = repository.getRoot(session);


                  System.out.println("Root:" + root.getName());

                  // write out repository entries recursively

                  writeEntries("+", root);


            } catch (IOException e) {


            } catch (RepositoryRuntimeException e) {


            } catch (RepositoryAuthentificationException e) {


            } catch (NonExistingResourceException e) {


            } catch (InvalidRevisionException e) {





      public static void writeEntries(String plus, RepositoryDirEntry                                                      entry) throws                                         RepositoryRuntimeException,




                              IOException {

            // retrieve the child entries from an repository

            // entry from the repository

            // (note that revision -1 corresponds to the latest revision)

            RepositoryDirEntry[] entries =                                                repository.getDirEntries(session, URI.createURI(entry.getUri()), -1L);


            for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {

                  System.out.println(plus + " " + entries[i].getName() +                                "(" + entries[i].getRevision() + ")");

                  if (entries[i].getKind().equals(RepositoryNodeKind.DIR))                   {

                        writeEntries(plus + "+", entries[i]);





      public static void initSession() {

            // ...





The main method of our class calls the initSession method. After that, the root node of the model repository is fetched by the repository.getRoot(session) operation call. The return value is of type RepositoryDirEntry. Figure 57 depicts the structure of a RepositoryDirEntry.


Figure 133 RepositoryDirEntry and RepositoryNodeKind

The RepositoryDirEntry class holds several information of a repository entry. For instance the URL and the revision number of the entry. Furthermore, RepositoryNodeKinds are defined for repository entries. They can be of type File, Dir, Model as well as unspecified (kinds like None, Unkown). Please note, that NONE has been moved with release 1.9.9.

By using this information we are now able to browse through the repository. This is shown in the writeEntries method displayed in the previous table.

21.2   Microsoft .NET based Repository Browsing

In order to use the core lib with the .NET framework, IKVM has been used to compile the JAVA core lib into .NET libraries. This is an example of how the core lib can be used in a C# application to browse through the repository.

Step 1 - First of all the IKVM libraries are required. Version has been used to translate the core lib. You can download IKVM at


Beschreibung: important.png        Please note that IKBM release is the last release that supports Java 1.6.


Step 2
–Download the ModelBus .NET core lib from the release website

Step 3 - Create a Visual Studio project, e.g. a Console Application and reference the following .NET-libraries:

·       From the .NET CoreLib:

o   org.modelbus.core.lib.dll

o   org.eclipse.osgi.dll

o   org.eclipse.equinox.dll

o   org.eclipse.emf.dll

o   org.eclipse.core.dll

·       From the IKVM-

o   IKVM.OpenJDK.Core.dll

o   IKVM.OpenJDK.XML.Bind.dll

o   IKVM.OpenJDK.XML.WebServices.dll

Step 3 – With these libraries, you are enabled to write ModelBus applications in C#. In this example, a program similar to the above Java example is realized in C#:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Diagnostics;


using org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util;

using org.modelbus.dosgi.repository.descriptor;

using org.modelbus.core.lib;


namespace IKVM.corelib.example


    class CoreLibExample


              static void Main(string[] args)


                     IRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper =


                      Session session = createSession("Admin", "ModelBus");


                      writeEntries(repositoryHelper.getRoot(session), repositoryHelper,

                                  session, "+");




              private static void writeEntries(RepositoryDirEntry entry, 

                                IRepositoryHelper helper, Session session, String plus)


                      try {


                             RepositoryDirEntry[] entries =

                                   helper.getDirEntries(session, URI.createURI(entry.getUri()), -1);


                             foreach (RepositoryDirEntry child in entries) {

                                    Debug.WriteLine(plus + " " + child.getName() +

                                       " (" + child.getRevision() + ")");


   if (child.getKind().equals(RepositoryNodeKind.DIR))


writeEntries(child, helper, session, plus + "+");



                      } catch ( e) {






              public static Session createSession(String username, String password) {


                    String sessionId = EcoreUtil.generateUUID();



                      Property propertyUserName = new Property();




                      Property propertyPassword = new Property();







                      return session;






Using the IKVM converted Java classes, it is possible to connect to the Modelbus repository very similar to the Java implementation.

21.3   Model Fragmentation

This example illustrates the usage of the ModelBus core lib to split models into fragments.

Step 1 – see section 21.1

Step 2 – Create a Java class (see section 21.1)

public class FragmentationExample {


      public static IRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper =   


      public static Session session = new Session();




Step 3 – initialize the session (see section 21.1)

Step 4 – use the ModelBus core lib API

public static void main(String[] args) {




            ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();





                        new XMIResourceFactoryImpl());



            URI uri = URI.createFileURI("D:/…/my.uml");

            Resource resource = resourceSet.getResource(uri, true);


            EObject rootElement = resource.getContents().get(0);

            EObject fragmentElement = rootElement.eContents().get(0);

            URI fragmentUri = EcoreUtil.getURI(fragmentElement);


            try {




                  repositoryHelper.checkInModel(session, resource, uri,

                           Collections.EMPTY_MAP, "logMessage");


                  String fragmentFileLocation =



                  repositoryHelper.control(session, fragmentUri,

                            fragmentFileLocation, "logMessage");


                  repositoryHelper.checkOutModel(session, resource,


                  Resource fragmentResource =







                 // change the controlled fragment here


                  repositoryHelper.checkInModel(session, fragmentResource,

                            Collections.EMPTY_MAP, "logMessage");







            } catch (IOException e) {





After the session has been initialized you have to create a ResourceSet and put the UMLPackage to the PackageRegistry. Then you load the model you want to split into fragments. We call the getContents() method on the resource to get the root element of our model. Afterwards you get the “fragmentElement” from the “rootElement” by calling eContents(). This element will be our fragment which we want to control. First you have to check the original model into the repository and then you can call the method control() on the “repositoryHelper”. After this you can check out the two models from the repository, modify the fragment, check in the changed fragment and uncontrol the fragment again.

21.4   Dependencies Support

This example shows how to use the ModelBus core lib API to enable dependencies support for models and to get the dependencies of models or model elements.

Step 1 – see section 21.1

Step 2 – Create a java class e.g. DependenciesExample (see section 21.1)


public class DependenciesExample {


      public static IRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper =   


      public static Session session = new Session();




Step 3 – initialize the session (see section 21.1)

Step 4 – use the ModelBus core lib API

public static void main(String[] args) {





            repositoryHelper.setModelExtensions(new String[]{"uml"});


            ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();






                        .put("*", new XMIResourceFactoryImpl());


            URI uri = URI.createFileURI("D:/…/my.uml");

            Resource resource = resourceSet.getResource(uri, true);


            try {




                  repositoryHelper.checkInModel(session, resource, uri,



                  IncomingReferencesInfo[] referencesInfos =  





                  for (IncomingReferencesInfo referencesInfo :

                          referencesInfos) {


                        // the uri of the referencing object

                        String referencingObjectUri = referencesInfo



                        // the uri of the type of the referencing object

                        String objectTypeUri = referencesInfo





                        // the name of the referencing object

                        String objectName = referencesInfo.getObjectName();


                        System.out.println("referencing Uri: " +

                               referencingObjectUri + "  type uri: " +

                               objectTypeUri + " object name: " +



            } catch (IOException e) {

                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block





After the initialization of the session you have to enable dependency management and to specify the model extensions to use for the dependency analysis. In this example, the modelExtensions parameter is set to a new array of strings with the one element “uml”. Then you load your model (my.uml) which should reference some other models (here my2.uml) beside the UML meta-model and call the checkinModel operation on the repositoryHelper. All referenced models and meta-models are committed to the repository. Afterwards you obtain the incoming references of a referenced model (my2.uml) by invoking the operation getIncomingReferences(). The return value of this method is from type IncomingReferencesInfo[]. The IncomingReferencesInfo object holds the URI of the referencing model or model element, the URI of the model element’s type and the name of the referencing model element.

21.5   Notification Listener

The following example describes how to receive notifications from the model repository on client side.

Step 1 – Create an Eclipse Plug-in Project and add the plug-ins org.modelbus.core.lib.common and org.modelbus.cxf.dosgi.startup to its required plug-ins.


Figure 134 Required Plug-ins Configuration

Step 2 - Implement the INotificationListener interface

In order to receive notifications from the repository we have to implement the INotificationListener interface first. The interface is defined in the package org.modelbus.core.lib.notification of the ModelBus core lib.

public interface INotificationListener {


      public void notification(String url, String mode, String username, String sessionID);

      public void commitChangeModelNotification(String modelUri,
                         String messageID, String changeModelContent);



The interface defines two methods. We have to implement the method notification, whereas the parameter mode specifies the kind of notification to receive, for instance delete, create or update. For this example the interface implementation is named MyNotificationListener.

public class MyNotificationListener implements INotificationListener {



      public void notification(String model, String mode, String username, String sessionID) {

            System.out.println("User " + username + " " + mode + "d the model " + model);




      public void commitChangeModelNotification(String modelUri,

                  String messageID, String changeModelContent) {

            //do nothing





Step 3 - Register NotificationListener

After implementing our NotificationListener we have to register it to ModelBus. Therefore, we need the NotificationListenerManager that helps us to manage the notification reception. The class is also contained in the notification package of the ModelBus core lib.

public static void main(String[] args) {

      String repLocation = System.getenv("MODELBUS_REPOSITORY_LOCATION");

      NotificationListenerManager notificationListenerManager = null;

      MyNotificationListener myNotificationListener = null;


      try {

            // create the NotificationListenerManager with the location of   

               the Modelbus repository

            notificationListenerManager = NotificationListenerManager

            // your NotificationListener

            myNotificationListener = new MyNotificationListener();

            // add your NotificationListener




      } catch (Exception e) {






First, we have to set the URL of the repository to the NotificationListenerManager in order to create an instance of this class. Then we can add our implementation of the INotificationListener to this manager class. After that the method notification of our listener will be executed whenever an event is sent via the ModelBus infrastructure.

If the listening is no longer required we can deregister our notification listener from the set of managed listeners by calling the remove method of the NotificationListenerManager class.

      // remove your NotificationListener





21.6   How to write an Adapter



Beschreibung: important.png   Please note that it is currently not possible to run ModelBus adapters using HTTPS.




To be able to write an adapter, you must first install a ModelBus client as described in section 5. To be able to run it, you should also have a server installed and running as described in section 3. The system variables MODELBUS_SVN_REPOSITORY_LOCATION and MODELBUS_REPOSITORY_LOCATION must be defined (see Figure 5 and Figure 6). Since ModelBus Release 1.9.7 you can alternatively define a system variable named MODELBUS_ROOT pointing to the ModelBus installation folder containing the Modelbus configuration model (see chapter 3.1.1 for more detailed information).

The interaction patterns of ModelBus and the architecture of a provider and a consumer have been described in sections 20.3, 20.4 and 20.5. It is also described that the interaction between provider and consumer is realized via Apache CXF DOSGI. Nevertheless, a WSDL will be provided and may be used directly.

The following tutorial describes the basics of writing those ModelBus provider/consumer adapters using a simple hello World example to start with. It consists of three projects that need to be created:

·       interface

·       provider

·       consumer


21.6.1     1st Project – Interface

Step 1 - You need to create a new Eclipse Plug-in Project (see Figure 135)


Figure 135 Create descriptor project

Open the New Project Dialog via File à New à Project. Select Plug-in project and click Next. Assign a project name, e.g. demo.tutorialService.descriptor. In the second dialog make sure you do not generate an activator. Press Finish and confirm to switch the perspective.

Step 2 - Create a new Java package with the same name as the project, e.g. demo.tutorialService.descriptor by clicking File à New à Package. It will automatically be created in the src folder of the project.

Step 3 - Within the package create an interface (in the context menu of the package select New -> Interface). Assign a name for the interface, e.g. ITutorialService (see Figure 136).



Figure 136 Create an Interface

The following source code will be generated automatically:

package demo.tutorialService.descriptor;

  public interface ITutorialService {




Now you can specify some methods for the interface created above. If you use this code directly, the WSDL generated will not have meaningful naming, e.g. the arguments of the operations will afterwards only be named arg0, arg1, … which is not very useful. For this reason, some additional annotations have to be added to the interface code.

Step 4 – Declare the interface as web service and define a method returning a string with one parameter of type string. This is done by manually inserting the additional code as shown below:

package demo.tutorialService.descriptor;


import javax.jws.WebMethod;

import javax.jws.WebParam;

import javax.jws.WebResult;

import javax.jws.WebService;


@WebService(targetNamespace = "http://demo.tutorialservice/", name = "TutorialService")

public interface ITutorialService {


  @WebMethod(action = "http://demo.tutorialservice/myOperation")

  @WebResult(name = "returnValue")

  public String myOperation(


     String dummyString




When declaring the Interface as a web service, you have to assign a targetNamespace ("http://demo.tutorialservice/") and a name for the web service ("TutorialService"). The method myOperation will be exposed as a web service operation and therefore declared as WebMethod. Define WebResult to customize the mapping of the return value to a named WSDL part and XML element. Define WebParam to customize the mapping of an individual parameter to a Web Service message part and XML element.

As a result, we will have an interface with the operation myOperation with one parameter dummyString and a return value. The naming in the java code and the automatically generated WSDL will be the same.

Step 5 – Expose package demo.tutorialService.descriptor to clients (see Figure 137).



Figure 137 Expose Package demo.tutorialService.descriptor to Clients

Open the meta information of the project (MANIFEST.MF). Open tab Runtime and add the package to Exported Packages.

21.6.2  Second Project – Provider


important.png   Since ModelBus release 1.9.6 you can use the “ModelBus Service from Existing Interface” wizard to generate a provider and a consumer according to your service interface. Please note that this feature is still in development.



Step 1 - You need to create a new Eclipse Plug-in Project (see Figure 138).


Figure 138 Create plug-in project for provider

Open the New Project Dialog via File à New à Project. Select Plug-in project and click Next. Assign a project name, e.g. demo.tutorialService.provider. In the second dialog make sure you do not generate an activator.

Step 2 – Create a new package with the same name as the project in the src folder of it, e.g. demo.tutorialService.provider.

Step 3 – Correct dependencies and specify the plug-ins required (see Figure 139).



Figure 139 Provider dependencies

Open the meta information of the project (MANIFEST.MF) of the provider project. Open the tab Dependencies (shown at the bottom) and add the following plug-ins:, org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi, org.eclipse.core.runtime and the descriptor you implemented in the first project demo.tutorialService.descriptor. Just press the add button and enter the names in the select a Plug-in field. Don’t forget the descriptor plug-in.

The Provider should provide the service. Thus it needs to implement the interface from the descriptor.

Step 4 – Create a new Java class TutorialServiceImpl that implements the interface ITutorialService you defined in the first project (see Figure 140).



Figure 140 Implement Interface

Extend the source code for the class to implement the interface ITutorialService as follows:

package demo.tutorialService.provider;


import demo.tutorialService.descriptor.ITutorialService;


public class TutorialServiceImpl implements ITutorialService {



  public String myOperation(String dummyString) {

    return dummyString+" World";




When a class implements ITutorialService it has to implement the inherited abstract method myOperation. In this example, it returns the argument dummyString and appends “ World” at the end of the string.

Step 5 – Create a second class Activator in the package demo.tutorialService.provider (see Figure 141).


Figure 141 Class Activator

Step 6 – The class needs to inherit from class AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator.

package demo.tutorialService.provider;


import org.modelbus.ModelBusServiceConfiguration;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.RepositoryHelper;

import demo.tutorialService.descriptor.ITutorialService;


public class Activator extends AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator {



              protected Object createServiceInstance() {

                            return new TutorialServiceImpl();




              protected void configure(ModelBusServiceConfiguration config) {

                             config.setServiceName("ModelBus demo service");




              public Class getServiceInterface() {

            return ITutorialService.class;




If you extend AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator several methods have to be implemented. For this tutorial three methods need to return a proper value. Rewrite createServiceInstance() to return a new instance of the class TutorialServiceImpl you implemented in Step 4. Further change getServiceInterface() to return the interface class.

In addition, the service name has to be provided to the ModelBusServiceConfiguration using the argument passed to the configure() method. In this method, you can also specify the location where the service should be accessible. By default, ModelBus will publish the service at port 9090 using the interface name to determine the web context (in this example the location would be http://localhost:9090/itutorialservice). The following listing shows some examples to alter the default behavior:

package demo.tutorialService.provider;


import org.modelbus.ModelBusServiceConfiguration;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.RepositoryHelper;

import demo.tutorialService.descriptor.ITutorialService;


public class Activator extends AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator {





              protected void configure(ModelBusServiceConfiguration config) {

                             config.setServiceName("ModelBus demo service");


                             //explicitly set another service location; manual port selection




                             //or: set service context only; automatic port selection


              SERVICE_CONTEXT, "/tutorial");        






When setting the configuration option ModelBusServiceConfiguration. OPTION_OSGI_HTTP_SERVICE_CONTEXT instead of explicitly defining a particular location, the ModelBus server will start up an embedded HTTP server to host the ModelBus services deployed in the same server instance. In this case, your service will be deployed at the next free port available above the ModelBus server port using the specified service context. For example, if you add the ModelBusServiceConfiguration. OPTION_OSGI_HTTP_SERVICE_ CONTEXT option with a value like “/tutorial” to the configuration and if you have the ModelBus server running at port 8080, your service would be accessible via http://localhost:8081/tutorial if the port 8081 is free.



important.png   Please note: When setting the service port explicitly, i.e. when defining the service location using the ModelBusServiceConfiguration.OPTION_SERVICE_ADDRESS configuration option, please use another port than the ModelBus server is running at. Otherwise this would not necessarily cause an exception, but may make the service unusable for clients.



Step 7 – The class Activator needs to be set as activator in the Manifest of the provider project. Open the meta information (MANIFEST.MF). Open up the tab Overview and set Activator to demo.tutorialService.provider.Activator (see Figure 142).


Figure 142 Set the Class Activator as Activator for the Plug-in

Step 8 – Create a new run configuration for the project (see Figure 143).


Figure 143 Create a new Run Configuration for the Provider

Click on Run à Run Configurations to open up a new dialog.

Select Eclipse Application.

1.      Create a new launch configuration.

2.      Assign a proper name, e.g. TutorialServiceProvider.

3.      Correct location to ${workspace_loc}/../runtime-TutorialServiceProvider.

Go to tab Arguments and append -console –consolelog to program arguments (see Figure 144).


Figure 144 Append Program Arguments

Go to tab Plug-ins and specify the plug-ins the project has to be launched with (see Figure 145 – this figure does not show the exact names of the plugins to be selected. It is only a schematic example. For a detailed description of the steps see the text following the figure.


Figure 145 Correct Plug-ins needed by the Project

Follow these steps:

1.      Set Launch with to plug-ins selected below only.

2.      Click Deselect All.

3.      Select the following plug-ins:

a.      demo.tutorialService.provider

b.      org.modelbus.cxf.dosgi.startup

and set the auto-start value of the demo.tutorialService.provider Plug-in to true

4.      Very important: click Add Required Plug-ins (you must have removed any filter if you used them)

5.      Click Apply

6.      Click Run



important.png   Please note: When using the –console program argument in Eclipse Juno, please make sure to also add the bundles org.eclipse.equinox.console, org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime and to the run configuration.



A second Eclipse should start. In the console of the original Eclipse a lot of output is generated (see Figure 146).



Figure 146 Console Output after Starting Provider

Scroll in the direction of the top of the output. At the beginning there should be some lines in black and state a URL (see Figure 146). If they are not there but somewhere in the middle: did you start the ModelBus server and is it still running? It is also possible that the black lines have been scrolled of the console window. In this case you could increase its capacity in its preferences (see Figure 147) – select Preferences in the context menu of the console and remove the selection at Limit console output or increase its size. Once the provider started, you should be able to get a response by opening this URL in a web browser with the query string “?wsdl” added at the end, e.g. http://localhost:9090/itutorialservice?wsdl.


Figure 147 Modify the Console Buffer Capacity

If you are able to access the URL and see some XML output (the WSDL of the provider - similar to Figure 148) the provider has started up correctly. You can continue and start developing the consumer. If you take some time you will discover all the names in the WSDL we defined in the interface (see section 21.6.1  Step 4).


Figure 148 The Provider WSDL




21.6.3  Third Project – Consumer


important.png   Since ModelBus release 1.9.6 you can use the “ModelBus Service from Existing Interface” wizard to generate a provider and a consumer according to your service interface. Please note that this feature is still in beta phase.



Step 1 – Create a new Eclipse Plug-in Project demo.tutorialService.consumer similar to step 1 in the provider adapter section and set its dependencies as shown in Figure 149.


Figure 149 The Consumer Project and its Dependencies

Step 2 – Add a Java package named demo.tutorialService.consumer to the src folder.

Step 3 – Create a Java class Activator in demo.tutorialService.consumer similar to step 5 in the provider project (second project).

Replace the generated Activator code with the following (if you choose a different naming you must probably adapt it):

package demo.tutorialService.consumer;


import org.modelbus.core.lib.IRepositoryHelper;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.configuration.ModelBusServiceConfiguration;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.api.AbstractModelBusAdapterConsumerActivator;

import demo.tutorialservice.descriptor.ITutorialService;


public class Activator extends AbstractModelBusAdapterConsumerActivator {

              private static ITutorialService myservice;


              public Activator() {





              protected void serviceRegistered(Object arg0) {

                             myservice = (ITutorialService) arg0;

                             String result = myservice.myOperation("Hello");

                             System.out.println("Result: "+result);




              protected void configure(ModelBusServiceConfiguration arg0) {

                             // TODO Auto-generated method stub





              public Class getServiceInterface() {

                             return ITutorialService.class;




Step 4 – Add “OSGI-INF” information

·       Create a folder OSGI-INF in the root folder of the consumer project

·       Create a folder remote-service in it

·       Create a xml-file remote-services.xml in it  ---  mind the additional “s”

Open the xml-file with Text Editor (or switch to the source tab) and enter the following text (possibly to be adapted in the highlighted lines):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<service-descriptions xmlns="">


    <provide interface="demo.tutorialService.descriptor.ITutorialService" />

    <property name="service.exported.interfaces">*</property>

    <property name="service.exported.configs"></property>

    <property name="">http://localhost:9090/itutorialservice</property>

              <property name="">jaxws</property>




Step 6 – Change MANIFEST.MF

Include the OSGI-INF directory in the build configuration (see Figure 150).



Figure 150 Include OSGI-INF in the Build Configuration

Therefore, open the meta information of the project (MANIFEST.MF). Open the tab Build and select the OSGI-INF directory and icons.

In the Overview tab select the Activate this plug-in... and set the activator (demo.tutorialService.consumer.Activator) (see Figure 151).

Set consumer activator.png

Figure 151 Set  Activator

Step 7 – Create a new run configuration for the project and name it TutorialServiceConsumer. Refer to section Second Project – Provider – Step 8 for a detailed description. Be careful when you correct the plug-ins. The demo.tutorialService.consumer plug-in needs to be selected with Auto-start set to true. In addition, the org.modelbus.cxf.dosgi.startup bundle has to be added to the run configuration. Please remember to add the required plug-ins to the configuration by clicking the corresponding button in the dialog.


important.png   To ensure that the consumer plug-in is able to find the service implementation, it is required to be started at a higher start level than the org.modelbus.cxf.dosgi.startup plug-in. Since the default start level in Eclipse is equal to 4, a start level >= 5 for the consumer bundle is appropriate.



Step 8 – Run the consumer by executing its run configuration (do not forget to start the server and run the provider before).

The execution of the testservice method will result in a console output of the Eclipse workbench that runs the provider (see Figure 152).

Figure 152 Consumer Results

21.6.4  Relations between the parts of the adapter realizations

How are all the previously developed projects (21.6.1 to 21.6.3) related to each other?

This should be sketched by following the flow in our small example.

An instance of the Activator class is executed whenever the consumer is started. It extends the AbstractModelBusAdapterConsumerActivator which will realize the consumer side of the ModelBus interaction pattern (see section 20.3).

The Activator Code:

package demo.tutorialService.consumer;


import org.modelbus.core.lib.IRepositoryHelper;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.configuration.ModelBusServiceConfiguration;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.api.AbstractModelBusAdapterConsumerActivator;

import demo.tutorialservice.descriptor.ITutorialService;


public class Activator extends AbstractModelBusAdapterConsumerActivator {

              private static ITutorialService myservice;


              public Activator() {





              protected void serviceRegistered(Object arg0) {

                             myservice = (ITutorialService) arg0;

                             String result = myservice.myOperation("Hello");

                             System.out.println("Result: "+result);




              protected void configure(ModelBusServiceConfiguration arg0) {

                             // TODO Auto-generated method stub





              protected Class getServiceInterface() {

                             return ITutorialService.class;




The highlighted operations (light grey) are the most important in our example – the RepositoryHelper will not be used here but is of importance when using the repository:

·       getServiceInterface() is used to determine which interface a service has to implement to be used by the consumer. Thus, in this example, the method returns the service interface ITutorialService.

·       Within serviceRegistered(Object arg0) a service instance for the corresponding interface will be populated. In this example, the service instance is stored in the myservice variable. The myOperation method of the service will be invoked using the actual parameter “Hello”. Afterwards, the result is printed out to System.out (shown in the console window).

The myservice.myOperation method mentioned above is the one we realized within the provider (see section 21.6.2). It has been described within the Interface (see section 21.6.1) as a WSDL and exported. The communication between the consumer and provider based on the ModelBus Interaction Pattern (see section 20.3) is mostly realized through the AbstractModelBusAdapterConsumerActivator and the AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator interfaces delivered with the ModelBus.


Next have a look to the provider side. The coding needed for the example has been done in section 21.6.2 and was quite simple.

The implementation of the service operation was quite simple:

package demo.tutorialService.provider;

import demo.tutorialService.descriptor.ITutorialService;

public class TutorialServiceImpl implements ITutorialService {


  public String myOperation(String dummyString) {

return dummyString+" World";




The activator for the provider extends the AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator and implements two methods for our needs (both highlighted in the code below):

·       creation of a service instance and

·       provisioning of the service interface.

These will be used whenever a service instance or its service interface is needed.

package demo.tutorialService.provider;


import org.modelbus.ModelBusServiceConfiguration;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.RepositoryHelper;

import demo.tutorialService.descriptor.ITutorialService;


public class Activator extends AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator {



              protected Object createServiceInstance() {

          return new TutorialServiceImpl();




              protected void configure(ModelBusServiceConfiguration arg0) {

          config.setServiceName("ModelBus demo service");    




              protected Class getServiceInterface() {

        return ITutorialService.class;




22.                        ModelBus Exception Specifications

Within in the ModelBus Core Lib several exception types are defined as follows:


The RepositoryExecption is an abstract exception and has an attribute description whose value should contain a short report why an exception has been thrown. Every further exception in this specification is derived from RepositoryException.


The repository throws a RepositoryRuntimeException whenever an error occurs in the runtime of the repository or no other repository exception of this specification is adequate and relevant in order to describe the defect correctly.


The LockedExecption will be thrown when a user performs an action on a locked artifact and the action could change the model.


When an action is about to perform on an unresolved version number of a revision the InvalidRevisionException will be thrown.


An invalid user authentication, due to an invalid user and password combination, leads to a RepositoryAuthentificationException. When this exception is thrown the description value doesn’t contain a report which leads to an invalid parameter (user or password) of a user.


The NonExistingResourceException is thrown whenever an operation is performed on an artifact with an unknown URL namespace in the context of the repository.


Todo description


Todo description


Whenever an invalid value is passed as an actual parameter to any ModelBus Core Lib operation an InvalidValueException will be thrown.


The InvalidServiceDescriptionException is thrown, when the data describing a service to be registered to the repository is not valid.

23.                         Trouble Shooting Guide

Problem: When trying to obtain the WSDL of the ModelBus itself or one of its services, the following exception occurs:

org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault: "", the namespace on the "definitions" element, is not a valid SOAP version.

Solution: Please make sure that you do not have added a query string (e.g. “?wsdl”) to the value for the system variable MODELBUS_REPOSITORY_LOCATION or to the corresponding location in the configuration model in case of ModelBus release 1.9.7 or higher. If this did happen, please remove it and restart the ModelBus Server as well as the Team Provider client and ModelBus adapter and consumer instances.

Problem: ModelBus Server did not start (the first time), bundle is not active

Solution 1: When using a local repository please ensure, that the MODELBUS_SVN_REPOSITORY_LOCATION environment variable (or the corresponding location in the configuration model in case of ModelBus release 1.9.7 or higher) is pointing to an empty directory.

Solution 2: Ensure that the SVNKit libraries are available for the ModelBus server (see chapter 3).

Solution 3: If you are using the IP address “” as repository host (repository location), please make sure that the specified port is not already in use in case of each network interfaces installed on the machine and that the server has sufficient rights to use the port. There may also be another configuration problem with one of the network interfaces. Please ask your administrator in this case.











Appendix B

A more complex Consumer / Provider Adapter Implementation Example

24.                        A more complex Consumer / Provider Adapter

The principles of the creation and implementation of a consumer and a provider adapter for a service based on the ModelBus has been described in section 21.6 with a first simple example. The principles of the communication in the context of the ModelBus are described in section 20 in particular the ModelBus Interaction Pattern (see section 20.3), the consumer / provider adapter concepts (see section 20.4 & 20.5) and the support offered through the ModelBus Core Lib (see section 20.6).

Within this section a more complex example for a consumer / provider adapter shall be shown.

24.1   How to get the example

The example may be downloaded from the ModelBus website ( It consists of four Eclipse projects to be imported:

·       org.eclipse.emf.library.example

·       org.modelbus.library.example.serviceinterface

·       org.modelbus.library.example.service

·       org.modelbus.library.example.consumer

The first project contains the Library meta-model. It is based on the well-known Eclipse library meta-model (see section 24.2.1). The second project provides the interface definition for the service (see section 24.2.2). The third contains the service provider adapter (see section 24.2.3) and the last one the consumer adapter (see section 24.2.4).

The service is using the OSLO OCL processor, which is delivered in three JAR files that has to be copied to the Eclipse plugins folder of the Eclipse where the projects above have been imported to.

The Eclipse to be used should be a modeling distribution of Eclipse with ModelBus installed (see section 5).

To execute the adapter example a ModelBus server needs to be installed and running (see section 3).

The service provider adapter and consumer adapter will be started using a specific Run Configuration (see Figure 153). Please see also the base description in sections 21.6.2 and 21.6.3).


Figure 153 Defining the Run Configurations

For this specific example we have to select the following plug-ins:

·       for the service provider (LibraryService)

o   org.modelbus.library.example.service

o   org.modelbus.cxf.dosgi.startup

·       for the service consumer (LibraryConsumer):

o   org.modelbus.library.example.consumer

o   org.modelbus.cxf.dosgi.startup

Please note that the auto start values for both, the provider and the consumer plug-in, are required to be set to true. In addition, in both cases we have to include all additionally required plug-ins by using the “Add Required Plug-Ins” button.


important.png   To ensure that the consumer plug-in is able to find the service implementation, it is required to be started at a higher start level than the org.modelbus.cxf.dosgi.startup plug-in. Since the default start level in Eclipse is equal to 4, a start level >= 5 for the consumer bundle is appropriate.



24.2   The Library Service

The library service will allow us to manipulate and check the validity of instances of the Library meta-model (see section 24.2.1) through the ModelBus. It offers the following methods through its LibraryService interface (see section 24.2.2):

·       to manipulate a library model

o   addWriter()
Accepts a library model and a name of a writer and adds a writer with that name to the library model.

o   getWriters()
Accepts a library model and returns all writer instances contained in it (as an array).

o   getLooseWriters()
Accepts a library model and returns all writer instances not associated to any book contained in the library (as a list).

·       to check the validity

o   isLibraryModelValid()
Checks the validity of the library model due to some OCL constraints hardcoded in the server  - returns true or false.

The operations implementing the interface will be coded in the provider adapter (see section 24.2.3). The rules / constraints being checked will also be coded as OCL expression in the provider adapter and checked there.

The operations will be invoked from the consumer adapter through ModelBus. The first (empty) library model will be created in the consumer adapter and checked in from there to the ModelBus repository - due to the ModelBus Invocation Pattern - implicitly (see section 24.3.3 for details).

24.2.1  The Library Meta Model

The library service is based on the well-known Eclipse library meta model (see Figure 154). It describes a “library” as an aggregation of “books” and “writers” which are related by an “author” relation.


Figure 154 The Library Meta Model

24.2.2  The Service Interface

The definition of the service interface needed for DOSGi is shown in Figure 155. This corresponds to the first project within our basic adapter implementation description (see section 21.6.1). The interface name, the operation names and there corresponding Java operations are highlighted within the code.

package org.modelbus.library.example.service;


import java.util.List;


import javax.jws.WebMethod;

import javax.jws.WebParam;

import javax.jws.WebResult;

import javax.jws.WebService;


import library.Library;

import library.Writer;


@WebService(targetNamespace = "", name = "LibraryService")

public interface LibraryService {


              @WebMethod(action = "")

              public void addWriter(

                                           @WebParam(name = "library", targetNamespace = "")

                                           Library library,

                                           @WebParam(name = "name", targetNamespace =


                                           String name



              @WebMethod(action =


              @WebResult(name = "valid", targetNamespace = "")

              public boolean isLibraryModelValid(

                                           @WebParam(name = "library", targetNamespace = "")

                                           Library library



              @WebMethod(action = "")

              @WebResult(name = "writers", targetNamespace = "")

              public List<Writer> getWriters(

                                           @WebParam(name = "library", targetNamespace =


                                           Library library



              @WebMethod(action = "")

              @WebResult(name = "looseWriters", targetNamespace = "")

              public List<Writer> getLooseWriters(

                                           @WebParam(name = "library", targetNamespace =


                                           Library library




Figure 155 The Service Interface Definition (DOSGI)  (

The interface description in the Java interface (DOSGi) results in the WSDL interface description shown in Figure 156 (excerpt). When the service is running, the WSDL can be retrieved by using a web browser and invoking http://localhost:9090/libraryservice?wsdl.

Figure 156 The Service Interface as WSDL (Shown in a WSDL editor)

24.2.3  The Service Provider Adapter

For the basic concepts of the service provider adapter see section 21.6.2. In the library example shown here the service provider adapter (org.modelbus.library.example.service) consists of four Java classes:

· and
comprising the main parts of the service provider adapter

· and
are the classes that are used by the service adapter for the validation of the model based on OCL

The complete source code is shown in section 24.3.2 and will be explained here partially.

The activator is as simple as in the example in section 21.6.2. It implements four operations of the abstract AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator class. Most important is that getServiceInterface() and createServiceInstance() relate to our LibraryService and its implementation.

package org.modelbus.library.example.service;


import org.modelbus.ModelBusServiceConfiguration;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.RepositoryHelper;


public class Activator extends AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator {




              protected Class getServiceInterface() {

                             return LibraryService.class;




              protected Object createServiceInstance() {

                             return new LibraryServiceImpl();






The is more interesting. It implements all the operations on the model (surrounded red) and the validation functions (surrounded green) accessible through the service interface (see Figure 157).

Figure 157 outline


For the communication with the ModelBus repository we need a session object set up within the getSession() method:

              private Session getSession(){

                             Session session = new Session();


                             Property propertyUserName = new Property();



                             Property propertyPassword = new Property();







                             return session;



The usage of the ModelBus CoreLib API (see section 20.6) shall be illustrated with a look inside the addWriter() method implementation:


              public void addWriter(final Library library, final String name) {

                             final Writer writer = LibraryFactory.eINSTANCE.createWriter();





                             final Resource res = library.eResource();


                             try {

                                                                                      ModelBusCoreLib.getRepositoryHelper().checkInModel(this.getSession(), res, res.getURI());

                             } catch (Exception e) {

                                           throw new RuntimeException(e);




It uses the Java code generated (see Figure 158) from the Library meta model (library.ecore)  in the org.eclipse.emf.library.example project (highlighted green) and invokes the checkInModel() operation of the ModelBus Core Lib (highlighted blue). As one can see, the original library model will be passed to the operation as a parameter, a new writer model element will be added and finally the new version of the model will be checked in to the repository explicitly.


Figure 158 Generate Model Code from the Meta Model

All other LibraryService interface operation implementations make use of OCL to query and retrieve model elements from the library model or to validate the model.

The use of OCL for querying shall be illustrated using the getLooseWriters() operation:


      private OsloOCLEvaluator evaluator;


              private final static String[] OCL_EXPRESSIONS = new String[]{

                             "context Library def: getWriters() : Set(Writer) = self.writers",

                             "context Library def: getLooseWriters() : Set(Writer) = self.writers->select(w:Writer | w.books->isEmpty())"





              public List<Writer> getLooseWriters(Library library) {





                             final String ocl = "context Library inv: self.getLooseWriters()";


                             final List<Object> results = this.evaluator.evaluateExpression(library, ocl);


                             return toWriterList(results);



First it adds the model to the (OCL) evaluator created at the beginning and initializes the OCL processor (highlighted green). An OCL expression is defined (String ocl) which itself uses a helper function defined earlier (highlighted blue). The helper function will retrieve all writers from the model that have no relation to any book. These OCL expressions are evaluated (highlighted orange) and the result is converted to a list.

Finally a validation function shall be illustrated through the isLibraryModelValid() operation:


              public boolean isLibraryModelValid(final Library library) {



                             boolean valid = true;


                             //check if library contains writers

                             final List<Object> results1 = this.evaluator.evaluateExpression(library, "context Library inv: self.writers->notEmpty()");


                             if((Boolean)results1.get(0) == false){

                                           System.out.println("Model is invalid: no writers");

                                           valid = false;



                             //check if library contains not more than 3 writers

                             final List<Object> results2 = this.evaluator.evaluateExpression(library, "context Library inv: self.writers->size() < 4");


                             if((Boolean)results2.get(0) == false){

                                           System.out.println("Model is invalid: more than 3 writers");

                                           valid = false;



                             //check if all writer names are not empty

                             final List<Object> results3 = this.evaluator.evaluateExpression(library, "context Library inv: self.writers->select(w:Writer | = 0)->isEmpty()");


                             if((Boolean)results3.get(0) == false){

                                           System.out.println("Model is invalid: empty writer name detected");

                                           valid = false;



                             return valid;



In the first step the library model is added to the evaluator. Then the evaluator is invoked to evaluate an OCL expression, stated directly in the code (see also the comments in the code above for the OCL constraints). A negative result of an evaluation is printed to the server console log.

For details of the complete service provider adapter implementation including the OCL evaluator helper classes see section 24.3.2.

24.2.4  The Service Consumer Adapter

As last step a closer look into the consumer adapter should be made. The only class implemented here is the consumer in the org.modelbus.library.example. consumer project.

The consumer outline looks quite simple (see Figure 159).


Figure 159 The Consumer Outline

The complete code can be inspected in section 24.3.3. The registerRepositoryHelper() method registers the helper necessary to use the ModelBus Core Lib. The getServiceInterface() returns the interface to be used to the service - in our case the LibraryService interface, which is required to access and use it.

All the work the consumer does in the example is implemented in the serviceRegistered() operation. This should be discussed in more detail now.

An overview of all the code in the operation is given first. It will afterwards be explained block by block.


protected void serviceRegistered(Object service) {

              Session session = new Session();


              Property propertyUserName = new Property();



              Property propertyPassword = new Property();





              final LibraryService libraryService = (LibraryService)service;


              final ResourceSet set = new ResourceSetImpl();

              final Resource res1 = set.createResource(URI.createURI(""));


              final EPackage p = LibraryPackage.eINSTANCE;


              Library library = LibraryFactory.eINSTANCE.createLibrary();

              library.setName("Demo library");




              System.out.println("Performing library service: isLibraryModelValid");

              boolean modelValid = libraryService.isLibraryModelValid(library);


              System.out.println("Model valid: " + modelValid);


              final String[] writerNames = new String[] { "Peter York", "Susan Oxford", "Brian Woodstock", "Catherine Jones", "" };


              for(final String writerName : writerNames){

                             System.out.println("Performing library service: addWriter " + writerName);

                             libraryService.addWriter(library, writerName);


                             //checkout modified library

                             final Resource res2 = set.createResource(URI.createURI(""));


                             try {

                                           ModelBusCoreLib.getRepositoryHelper().checkOutModel(session, res2);

                             } catch (Exception e) {

                                           throw new RuntimeException(e);



              library = (Library)res2.getContents().get(0);


                             for(final Writer writer : library.getWriters()){




                             System.out.println("Performing library service: getWriters");

                             final List<Writer> writers = libraryService.getWriters(library);





                             for(final Writer currentWriter : writers){




                             System.out.println("Performing library service: isLibraryModelValid");

                             modelValid = libraryService.isLibraryModelValid(library);


                             System.out.println("Model valid: " + modelValid);




The first block defines and sets up the information for the session to be used by the ModelBus Core Lib operations (see section 20.6) afterwards:


protected void serviceRegistered(Object service) {

              Session session = new Session();


              Property propertyUserName = new Property();



              Property propertyPassword = new Property();






Within the next block access to the Library Service is provided and a resource set with one specific resource (res1) is created. The URI of this resource is of importance later on. An empty library model named “Demo Library” is created and added to the resource (res1).

              final LibraryService libraryService = (LibraryService)service;


              final ResourceSet set = new ResourceSetImpl();

              final Resource res1 = set.createResource(URI.createURI(""));


              final EPackage p = LibraryPackage.eINSTANCE;


              Library library = LibraryFactory.eINSTANCE.createLibrary();

              library.setName("Demo library");




The next block is quite short but very important with concern to the ModelBus and the ModelBus repository:

System.out.println("Performing library service: isLibraryModelValid");

              boolean modelValid = libraryService.isLibraryModelValid(library);


              System.out.println("Model valid: " + modelValid);


It checks the validity of the library model we created so far by invoking the isLibraryModelValid() operation. This is the first use of the Library Service through the ModelBus. No explicit check-in of the library model took place so it is not stored in the repository up to now. At this moment the ModelBus Interaction Pattern (see section 20.3) is of importance.

Whenever an element of type EObject, IModelBusDataSource, Resource or an array or collection of elements of those types is given (as input or return) of an operation signature invoked as a service operation through ModelBus the “ModelBus invocation controller” gets into action. 

At the invocation side the respective objects are checked into the repository and an URI is returned for it (reference to the object in the repository). The object in the invoked operation is replaced by the URI and the request passed to the service. At service side the referencing URI is used to check-out the original object again and replace the URI automatically by the original objects from the invocation. The checked in object is kept in the repository.

How does the invocation controller create an URI for the object checked in implicitly?

In our specific case we have added the library used as the parameter passed to a resource (res1) in a resource set. For this resource an URI has been created explicitly. This URI will be used for the implicit check-in.

The next block is a loop. Its contained code (highlighted light blue) is executed for every writer name defined in the array at the top:

final String[] writerNames = new String[] { "Peter York", "Susan Oxford", "Brian Woodstock", "Catherine Jones", "" };


              for(final String writerName : writerNames){

                             System.out.println("Performing library service: addWriter " + writerName);

                             libraryService.addWriter(library, writerName);


                             //checkout modified library

                             final Resource res2 = set.createResource(URI.createURI(""));


                             try {

                                           ModelBusCoreLib.getRepositoryHelper().checkOutModel(session, res2);

                             } catch (Exception e) {

                                           throw new RuntimeException(e);



              library = (Library)res2.getContents().get(0);


                             for(final Writer writer : library.getWriters()){




                             System.out.println("Performing library service: getWriters");

                             final List<Writer> writers = libraryService.getWriters(library);





                             for(final Writer currentWriter : writers){




              System.out.println("Performing library service: isLibraryModelValid");

                             modelValid = libraryService.isLibraryModelValid(library);


                             System.out.println("Model valid: " + modelValid);



For the ease of understanding the inner block of the loop shall be partitioned into blocks and explained block by block. The partitioning shall be done as follows:

final String[] writerNames = new String[] { "Peter York", "Susan Oxford", "Brian Woodstock", "Catherine Jones", "" };


              for(final String writerName : writerNames){

                             System.out.println("Performing library service: addWriter " + writerName);

                             libraryService.addWriter(library, writerName);


                             //checkout modified library

                             final Resource res2 = set.createResource(URI.createURI(""));


                             try {

                                           ModelBusCoreLib.getRepositoryHelper().checkOutModel(session, res2);

                             } catch (Exception e) {

                                           throw new RuntimeException(e);



                             library = (Library)res2.getContents().get(0);


                             for(final Writer writer : library.getWriters()){




                             System.out.println("Performing library service: getWriters");

                             final List<Writer> writers = libraryService.getWriters(library);





                             for(final Writer currentWriter : writers){





                             System.out.println("Performing library service: isLibraryModelValid");

                             modelValid = libraryService.isLibraryModelValid(library);


                             System.out.println("Model valid: " + modelValid);



The first block in the loop invokes the addWriter() operation of the library service:

System.out.println("Performing library service: addWriter " + writerName);

                             libraryService.addWriter(library, writerName);


For the first time in the loop we will start with the empty library model added to resource res1. The ModelBus Invocation Pattern will cause it to be checked in again but with the same URI of res1 but as a new head version. The Library Service operation implementation of addWriter() will add the writer and will check the new version of the model into the repository using the same URI as one can see from the server side code (complete code see section 24.3.2):


              public void addWriter(final Library library, final String name) {

                             final Writer writer = LibraryFactory.eINSTANCE.createWriter();





                             final Resource res = library.eResource();


                             try {

                                           ModelBusCoreLib.getRepositoryHelper().checkInModel(this.getSession(), res, res.getURI());

                             } catch (Exception e) {

                                           throw new RuntimeException(e);




Now the model has been changed. To continue at the consumer side we have to explicitly check it out there since we did not pass it back as a return parameter. This is done in the following code block:

                             //checkout modified library

                             final Resource res2 = set.createResource(URI.createURI(""));


                             try {

                                           ModelBusCoreLib.getRepositoryHelper()..checkOutModel(session, res2);

                             } catch (Exception e) {

                                           throw new RuntimeException(e);



                             library = (Library)res2.getContents().get(0);


                             for(final Writer writer : library.getWriters()){




At the beginning we create a new resource (res2) with the same URI to access the same repository object but the newest version. The library model is returned within the resource res2 and we assign it to the “library” object we have added to resource res1. Finally, we print all writers we got with the new library model -- at the first time it should just be “Peter York”. This is done from the local library model instance.

Then, within the next block, the writers will be retrieved from the model using the service operations – first as a list and then as an array.

                             System.out.println("Performing library service: getWriters");

                             final List<Writer> writers = libraryService.getWriters(library);





                             for(final Writer currentWriter : writers){




Every time the “library” model is passed to the service as a parameter and therefore checked in implicitly. This is no problem with the size of the repository since it only stores the differences but might increase the execution time. So be careful with the definition of the service interface and keep the invocation pattern in mind. The model is not modified and checked in again at the server side by the getWriters() operations therefore there is no need to check it out again at the consumer.

Within the last block only the validity of the model is checked which will not change the model:

                             System.out.println("Performing library service: isLibraryModelValid");

                             modelValid = libraryService.isLibraryModelValid(library);


                             System.out.println("Model valid: " + modelValid);


Then the next loop starts adding a new writer and changing the model which has to be checked out again …

A lot of printing to the console log is done from the consumer as well as from the producer adapter. The flow of the execution within the example can be followed there. Keep in mind that separate console windows for the consumer and producer exist – so you have to switch them to see both outputs.

A look into the ModelBus repository after the execution of the library service consumer adapter will show the following situation:


Abbildung 1 Resulting Library Model

The library meta-model can be found as well as the Ecore meta-model used to define it. Opening the demo.library model in the text editor shows the content as XML.


24.2.5  Direct Invocation of the Service using the WSDL

The service interface has been defined in section 24.2.2. A WSDL can be retrieved from the running service by entering http://localhost:9090/libraryservice?wsdl in a web browser and saving the (XML) result.

The WSDL can be inspected using a WSDL editor, e.g. the one from the eclipse Web Tool Platform (WTP) project used here. This is possibly easier then reading the XML file directly.

Figure 160 The Library Service WSDL Interface

A closer look at the input parameters, e.g. of the addWriter() operation, shows the following picture:


Figure 161 Input Parameters of the addWriter Operation in the WSDL

Instead of being of type library the first parameter is of type string, but its name is still library. The reason for this is that the service expects the parameters with respect to the ModelBus Interaction Pattern but the implicit actions (check-in and replacement by an URI) at the consumer side are not performed automatically. So the service does not expect the library model directly as a parameter here but instead of it an URI for it in the ModelBus repository.

Using the WSDL of the service directly requests:

·       to have an explicit and more detailed description of the service WSDL stating the semantics of the operation parameters and

·       to perform the eventually necessary check-in/checkout operations at the consumer side explicitly .

24.3   The Source Code of the Java Adapter Implementation Classes used

In this section the complete source code for the library service example is listed without any additional information.

24.3.1  The Library Service Interface

package org.modelbus.library.example.service;


import java.util.List;


import javax.jws.WebMethod;

import javax.jws.WebParam;

import javax.jws.WebResult;

import javax.jws.WebService;


import library.Library;

import library.Writer;


@WebService(targetNamespace = "", name = "LibraryService")

public interface LibraryService {

      @WebMethod(action = "")

      public void addWriter(

                  @WebParam(name = "library", targetNamespace = "")

                  Library library,

                  @WebParam(name = "name", targetNamespace = "")

                  String name



      @WebMethod(action = "")

      @WebResult(name = "valid", targetNamespace = "")

      public boolean isLibraryModelValid(

                  @WebParam(name = "library", targetNamespace = "")

                  Library library



      @WebMethod(action = "")

      @WebResult(name = "writers", targetNamespace = "")

      public List<Writer> getWriters(

                  @WebParam(name = "library", targetNamespace = "")

                  Library library



      @WebMethod(action = "")

      @WebResult(name = "looseWriters", targetNamespace = "")

      public List<Writer> getLooseWriters(

                  @WebParam(name = "library", targetNamespace = "")

                  Library library




24.3.2  The Service Provider Adapter

package org.modelbus.library.example.service;


import org.modelbus.ModelBusServiceConfiguration;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.RepositoryHelper;


public class Activator extends AbstractModelBusAdapterProviderActivator {


      protected void configure(ModelBusServiceConfiguration config) {

            config.setServiceName("ModelBus library demo service");





      protected Class getServiceInterface() {

            return LibraryService.class;




      protected Object createServiceInstance() {

            return new LibraryServiceImpl();




      public void registerRepositoryHelper(RepositoryHelper helper) {

            // do nothing



package org.modelbus.library.example.service;



import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;


import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;

import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.ModelBusCoreLib;

import org.modelbus.dosgi.repository.descriptor.Property;

import org.modelbus.dosgi.repository.descriptor.Session;


import library.Library;

import library.LibraryFactory;

import library.Writer;


public class LibraryServiceImpl implements LibraryService {

      private OsloOCLEvaluator evaluator;


      public LibraryServiceImpl(){

            this.evaluator = new OsloOCLEvaluator();



      private final static String[] OCL_EXPRESSIONS = new String[]{

            "context Library def: getWriters() : Set(Writer) = self.writers",

            "context Library def: getLooseWriters() : Set(Writer) = self.writers->select(w:Writer | w.books->isEmpty())"



      private final static String OCL_WRITER_VALID = "context Writer inv: > 0";



      public void addWriter(final Library library, final String name) {

            final Writer writer = LibraryFactory.eINSTANCE.createWriter();





            final Resource res = library.eResource();


            try {

                  ModelBusCoreLib.getRepositoryHelper().checkInModel(this.getSession(), res, res.getURI());

            } catch (Exception e) {

                  throw new RuntimeException(e);





      public List<Writer> getLooseWriters(Library library) {





            final String ocl = "context Library inv: self.getLooseWriters()";


            final List<Object> results = this.evaluator.evaluateExpression(library, ocl);


            return toWriterList(results);




      public List<Writer> getWriters(final Library library) {





            final String ocl = "context Library inv: self.getWriters()";


            final List<Object> results = this.evaluator.evaluateExpression(library, ocl);


            return toWriterList(results);




      public boolean isLibraryModelValid(final Library library) {



            boolean valid = true;


            //check if library contains writers

            final List<Object> results1 = this.evaluator.evaluateExpression(library, "context Library inv: self.writers->notEmpty()");


            if((Boolean)results1.get(0) == false){

                  System.out.println("Model is invalid: no writers");

                  valid = false;



            //check if library contains not more than 3 writers

            final List<Object> results2 = this.evaluator.evaluateExpression(library, "context Library inv: self.writers->size() < 4");


            if((Boolean)results2.get(0) == false){

                  System.out.println("Model is invalid: more than 3 writers");

                  valid = false;



            //check if all writer names are not empty

            final List<Object> results3 = this.evaluator.evaluateExpression(library, "context Library inv: self.writers->select(w:Writer | = 0)->isEmpty()");


            if((Boolean)results3.get(0) == false){

                  System.out.println("Model is invalid: empty writer name detected");

                  valid = false;



            return valid;



      private void initializeOCLProcessor(){

            for(final String oclExpression : OCL_EXPRESSIONS){





      private Session getSession(){

            Session session = new Session();


            Property propertyUserName = new Property();



            Property propertyPassword = new Property();







            return session;




      private static List<Writer> toWriterList(List<Object> list){

            final List<Writer> writers = new ArrayList<Writer>();


            final List<Object> subList = (List<Object>)list.get(0);


            for(final Object obj : subList){




            return writers;



package org.modelbus.library.example.service;

import java.util.List;


import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;

import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;

import org.oslo.ocl20.OclProcessor;

import org.oslo.ocl20.bridge4emf.EmfOclProcessorImpl;

import org.oslo.ocl20.semantics.bridge.Environment;

import org.oslo.ocl20.synthesis.RuntimeEnvironment;


public class OsloOCLEvaluator {

      private OclProcessor processor;


      public OsloOCLEvaluator(){

            this.processor = new EmfOclProcessorImpl(new ExceptionLog());




      public List<Object> evaluateExpression(final EObject eobject, final String expression) {

            final Environment env = this.processor.environment("self", eobject.getClass());

            final RuntimeEnvironment renv = this.processor.runtimeEnvironment("self", eobject);


            System.out.println("\tExpression: " + expression + " (on: " + eobject + ")");


            List<Object> results = null;

            try {

                  results = this.processor.evaluate(expression, env, renv, this.processor.getLog());

            } catch (Exception e) {




            return results;



      public EPackage addModel(final EPackage model){



            return model;



      public void createOCLOperation(final String def){

            System.out.println("\tCreating OCL expression: " + def);




package org.modelbus.library.example.service;




public class ExceptionLog implements ILog {


      public ExceptionLog() {

            // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub




      public void close() {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub





      public void finalReport() {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub





      public int getErrors() {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            return 0;




      public int getWarnings() {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            return 0;




      public boolean hasErrors() {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            return false;




      public boolean hasViolations() {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            return false;




      public boolean hasWarnings() {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            return false;




      public void printMessage(String arg0) {

            //throw new RuntimeException(arg0);




      public void reportError(String arg0) {

            throw new RuntimeException(arg0);




      public void reportError(String arg0, Exception arg1) {

            throw new RuntimeException(arg1);




      public void reportMessage(String arg0) {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub





      public void reportWarning(String arg0) {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub





      public void reportWarning(String arg0, Exception arg1) {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub





      public void reset() {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub





      public void resetErrors() {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub





      public void resetViolations() {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub





      public void resetWarnings() {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub





      public boolean tooManyViolations() {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            return false;





24.3.3  The Service Consumer Adapter

package org.modelbus.library.example.service;



import java.util.List;


import library.Library;

import library.LibraryFactory;

import library.LibraryPackage;

import library.Writer;


import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;

import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;

import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;

import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;

import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl;

import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;

import org.modelbus.ModelBusServiceConfiguration;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.AbstractModelBusAdapterConsumerActivator;

import org.modelbus.core.lib.dosgi.RepositoryHelper;

import org.modelbus.dosgi.repository.descriptor.Property;

import org.modelbus.dosgi.repository.descriptor.Session;


public class Activator extends AbstractModelBusAdapterConsumerActivator {



      protected void serviceRegistered(Object service) {

            Session session = new Session();


            Property propertyUserName = new Property();



            Property propertyPassword = new Property();







            final LibraryService libraryService = (LibraryService)service;


            final ResourceSet set = new ResourceSetImpl();

            final Resource res1 = set.createResource(URI.createURI(""));


            final EPackage p = LibraryPackage.eINSTANCE;


            Library library = LibraryFactory.eINSTANCE.createLibrary();

            library.setName("Demo library");




            System.out.println("Performing library service: isLibraryModelValid");

            boolean modelValid = libraryService.isLibraryModelValid(library);


            System.out.println("Model valid: " + modelValid);


            final String[] writerNames = new String[] { "Peter York", "Susan Oxford", "Brian Woodstock", "Catherine Jones", "" };


            for(final String writerName : writerNames){

                  System.out.println("Performing library service: addWriter " + writerName);

                  libraryService.addWriter(library, writerName);


                  //checkout modified library

                  final Resource res2 = set.createResource(URI.createURI(""));


                  try {

                        ModelBusCoreLib.getRepositoryHelper().checkOutModel(session, res2);

                  } catch (Exception e) {

                        throw new RuntimeException(e);



                  library = (Library)res2.getContents().get(0);


                  for(final Writer writer : library.getWriters()){




                  System.out.println("Performing library service: getWriters");

                  final List<Writer> writers = libraryService.getWriters(library);





                  for(final Writer currentWriter : writers){




                  System.out.println("Performing library service: isLibraryModelValid");

                  modelValid = libraryService.isLibraryModelValid(library);


                  System.out.println("Model valid: " + modelValid);





      protected void configure(ModelBusServiceConfiguration config) {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub





      protected Class getServiceInterface() {

            return LibraryService.class;




      public void registerRepositoryHelper(RepositoryHelper helper) {

            // do nothing




[1] If it is not visible please switch to the ModelBus Repository Exploring perspective once (see Figure 48 how to open it if not done before). Afterwards it should be visible in other perspectives, too.